Albert Pujols is Finished ..... He's got 6 now , El Hombre Again ?

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

He's back, y'all!

He's really not though.
How do Cardinals fans feel about Albert now? Most of the ones I know seem bitter about him leaving which I don't understand. 
Update the damn thread title, dammit!

What's up w/ these dudes only updating thread titles when they got jokes?

*cue pic of baby w/ angry fist*
Originally Posted by madj55

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

He's back, y'all!

He's really not though.
How do Cardinals fans feel about Albert now? Most of the ones I know seem bitter about him leaving which I don't understand. 

Do you know actual St. Louis residents or transplants? I live in L.A. so there is a disconnect for me. I personally am glad he left and not bitter at all. I would rather have his decline happen elsewhere. In St. Louis the fans support anyone who wears the uniform and if he would have stayed, it would have hurt the team in multiple ways. What's great about him leaving is he got the only thing he cared about, money and the Cards aren't crippled by a large contract. It's funny to see him struggle because we dodged a bullet. I don't understand anyone being bitter, his best years are behind him and he helped the Cards win two titles.
^ I live a couple hours (less, actually) from StL, and folks are definitely bitter. I work in classrooms, and 90% of the teachers here have Cards stuff ALLLLLL over the place, and anything regarding Pujols is crossed out, ripped out, covered over, even seen a few things w/ Beltran over Pujols. And briging up Pujols definitely makes the vibe in the room... unpleasant.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ I live a couple hours (less, actually) from StL, and folks are definitely bitter. I work in classrooms, and 90% of the teachers here have Cards stuff ALLLLLL over the place, and anything regarding Pujols is crossed out, ripped out, covered over, even seen a few things w/ Beltran over Pujols. And briging up Pujols definitely makes the vibe in the room... unpleasant.
must weird to be an Angel fan (pujols new team) in an area filled with Cardinal fans
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

^he bitter

Not at all, but keep trying to be funny.
stay salty my friends
for a guy  who   doesnt mind albert leaving,your in this thread alot
You take sports a bit  too serious. Popped veins because the 9ers fans were excited

Oh word? So if I am in this thread it makes me bitter? What kind of ##! backwards logic is that? It's been known on this board that I didn't want Albert back, look up the threads before his final season in St. Louis.
@ taking sports too serious, most of us in here are passionate. Btw my Giants won the SB, so that Niners comment doesn't add up. Let me guess we shared words during the NFL playoffs and you're still holding an e grudge
Man we paid so much money for this guy and we are celebrating his 4th HR



Yeah I'm salty.

I never learn , glutton for punishment . Jeter still might hit .400 so I can save some face there
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