Alex Smith is a BUST

BTW, how long did it take until Carson Palmer got good, because I remember he was garbage for a minute to.
Only problem with this analogy is Carson Palmer has one of the better arms in the NFL. Alex Smith especially after the shoulder issues has to beon the bottom half of the league. He never had a great arm to begin with.

Im not saying Alex Smith will never be semi succesful...But the chances of him being a franchise saving cornerstone number 1 pick type QB get slimmer andslimmer every day (IMO he never will live up to that). I dont think he is 100% healthy either but that is another story.

Some QB's get ruined when they get put in the save the franchise start from your rookie year type of role and I think that is the case here. Some QB'sthrive in that situation and some flounder and I think Alex Smith needed to be brought along really slowly.
why college football is the more entertaining product, and why the NFL has to rely on the Stepford-like devotion of its fans to continue to fill stadiums and empty their pockets.

Pretty much sums up my feelings...bring along Alex slowly if you want, but thats a disservice to all of the 49er faithful who pay $50+ for tickets and $20 forparking (in mud) just to see him throw lame ducks into triple coverage, and trust me, one $10 Budweiser isn't gonna be enough to make that an enjoyableexperience.
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