All-encompassing Cleveland Indians thread. 46 days until Opening Day.

Nothing aggravates people around the game more than the growingmindset, here in this Rumor Central-fixated world, that the first threemonths of the season are just some kind of pregame show for the tradingdeadline. So we don't blame the Indians for shaking their heads overthe buzzing that it's great that Grady Sizemore got healthy -- so they can trade him in July.

"I understand why people have that perception," GM ChrisAntonetti told Rumblings. "But if you look back at the deals we made in2008 and 2009, we made them because we weren't competitive. If we hadbeen the team we wanted to be in 2008, we wouldn't have traded CC.… So this year, if we play up to our expectations, if we're acontending team, we'll be looking to acquire guys, not trade guys [likeSizemore] away. Our focus is, let's get back to winning and startbringing in guys at the deadline."
Nothing aggravates people around the game more than the growingmindset, here in this Rumor Central-fixated world, that the first threemonths of the season are just some kind of pregame show for the tradingdeadline. So we don't blame the Indians for shaking their heads overthe buzzing that it's great that Grady Sizemore got healthy -- so they can trade him in July.

"I understand why people have that perception," GM ChrisAntonetti told Rumblings. "But if you look back at the deals we made in2008 and 2009, we made them because we weren't competitive. If we hadbeen the team we wanted to be in 2008, we wouldn't have traded CC.… So this year, if we play up to our expectations, if we're acontending team, we'll be looking to acquire guys, not trade guys [likeSizemore] away. Our focus is, let's get back to winning and startbringing in guys at the deadline."
Why would you send anyone in that situation? The ball was maybe 50 feet into the outfield.

Edit: I would have pinch-hit for Cabrera, too.
Why would you send anyone in that situation? The ball was maybe 50 feet into the outfield.

Edit: I would have pinch-hit for Cabrera, too.
well, surprised we even had a chance late.

saw the lineup earlier tonight and didn't expect much.
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