All grins, Baltimore boy becomes 1st to receive new hands

May 24, 2014
I can't even begin to explain how incredible this is. This kind of stuff gets me so excited for the future. Who ever knew this was possible? Kid deserves it.

Zion Harvey just wanted to swing from the monkey bars.

That's what the Baltimore youngster told his doctor when asked why he wanted hands. Sometimes in an 8-year-old's simplicity is profundity.

Earlier this month, Zion took a big -- nay, massive -- step toward that long-awaited jaunt on the jungle gym when he became the first child to receive a double hand transplant.

"When I was 2, I had to get my hands cut off because I was sick," Zion succinctly put it, in a video taken last year.

Actually, he downplayed it, as is indicative of his disarming optimism. At 2, Zion suffered a life-threatening sepsis infection, resulting in the failure of multiple organs and necessitating the amputation of his hands and feet.

At age 4, after two years of dialysis, he received a kidney from his mother, Pattie Ray, and despite an early lifetime of hardship, Zion figured out not only how to get by, but how to do it with the widest of grins across his face.

Pre-surgery video shows Zion strumming a mandolin, playing foosball, scrolling through an iPad's offerings and playfully covering his younger sister's eyes with the stubs of his wrists.

He even put a positive spin on bullies.

"They don't mean to say mean things to me, but it just slips out," he said. "Somebody says something to me, and I just figure it slipped out and they didn't mean to say it. Everybody has their own way of thinking."

But don't take his heart-melting quips and smile for softness. Zion is tough as nails, maybe tougher.

"This is just another hurdle that he jumps. He jumps so many hurdles," Ray said before the surgery. "He's so amazing. This isn't the first amazing thing that he's done. He's been doing amazing things since he's been sick. I don't know many adults that can handle half of his life on a day-to-day basis."

Transplant recipient meets sister of man who gave him a new face
[h3]'I will be proud'[/h3]
Not even the prospect of a failed procedure daunted Zion. In the months before his operation --Philadelphia's Shriners Hospital for Children  and The Children's Hospital of Philadelphiaevaluated him for 18 months before he was deemed a candidate for the surgery -- he was filmed bopping around on prosthetic legs without a hint of fear.

"When I get these hands, I will be proud of what hands I get," he said, falling into Ray's arms for a kiss.

"And if it gets messed up," he continued, his mother reassuring him that everything would be fine, "I don't care because I have my family."

Images from the 10-hour surgery looked more like a scrubs convention than an operating room. Among the 40 medical personnel that helped with the operation were a dozen surgeons, eight nurses and a team of at least three anesthesiologists.

"We know what we have to do today," Dr. L. Scott Levintold his troops before the operation began. "I know everybody assembled here has a commitment to this patient and making this a reality for this little boy. We can have complications. We can fail. We can have trouble. But we're not planning on it."
[h3]Concerns remain[/h3]
Zion's travails are not yet over. He will require a lifetime of immunosuppressant medication to avoid rejection of his new hands, which increases his chance of infection and cancer -- a fact Levin concedes raised concerns that were negated by Zion already taking anti-rejection drugs after his kidney transplant four years ago.

Zion also needs to stay at a rehabilitation unit for several more weeks, where he will undergo "rigorous hand therapy several times per day," before returning to his home in Baltimore, according to the hospital.
he will finally be able to follow his dreams of becoming the ultimate slap box champion.

the kid has a great attitude, kids are so damn pure man..

kids and animals, we gotta protect em.
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yeah man that's a good friday story right there...
the part where he says "if they are messed up it's ok...because i have my family"...that ish got me right there...i hope my son has his kind of spirit when he gets older...
Awesome story, thanks for sharing this

Crazy what we take for granted

Dudes willing to possibly die, and has to be on meds for the rest of his life that can kill him for something we all just have.
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So nobody going to ask the obvious question?

Where the hell did they find the hands?
Some kid had to die yo. Kind of morbid thinking these docs just waiting for a kid to die so they can get the hands :lol:
I guess in a few years they'll need to update being an organ donor to also having the option to donate limbs like feet and hands. Sad to think about that the hands became available for the kid to receive but also happy for him.
Some kid had to die yo. Kind of morbid thinking these docs just waiting for a kid to die so they can get the hands :lol:

Yeah cause docs are just waiting for someone to die... Life happens.

Prolly the type not to be an organ donor for fear they'll let you die so they can get your organs. Everyone should be an organ donor. Great story :smokin
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Some kid had to die yo. Kind of morbid thinking these docs just waiting for a kid to die so they can get the hands :lol:

I fail to see how any of that is a laughing matter. It's the circle of life that science has provided our society: one life taken, but another one saved. Or, in this case, the quality of life is improved dramatically.
Brahs the feels are engulfing me right now

This kid's life just got put on a completely different trajectory, a young black kid boy too. :smokin

Plus lil man's attitude. The Young Gawd can teach some people a few things

Shout out to dem doctors. They the real MVPs

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This is honestly incredible.

First thing I thought was how are they gonna attach everything together to make that **** work? But damn it they did.

I'm still amazed 20 minutes later. That type of **** make you think about life. Little mans attitude and outlook makes me ashamed of myself bruh. :smh:
Finally was able to watch the full thing with sound. Damn, those surgeons are friggin' rock stars. Just watching the blood actually flow to the hand is impressive in and of itself. Forget about motor function.
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