All my NT hoopers, what's worse?

If you have never been dunked on playing ball you have never played real ball.

Been yacked on multiple times and I'll continue challenging kids trying to posterize me
For sure rather get dunked on. It happens when you play certain dudes.

There's never an excuse for getting crossed up that badly...
A lot of it has to do with size and position.

I'm a guard, a pretty short one at that, if I get yammed on it ain't really that big of a deal, I'm not really to meet anyone at the top... but as a guard, if I was to get put on skates.. son my pride is on the line at that point.
Just like if I was a big man, a faster smaller guard is bound to catch you slipping every once and a while but having someone shorter than you stuff one in your grill... nah.
Dunked on.... I have been dunked on my Amare Stoudemire in HS.......Twice! Kind of a brag at this point tho.
Dunked on.

I think it's easy to "break" someone's ankles...especially how slick some courts some shoes don't have grip...sweat on the floor...or a very simple crossover. All kinds of scenarios to make "excuses" for.

Getting dunked on is getting dunked on.

Unless you're LeBron who only gets dunked "by"...
No, the worst is when it's time to check to the ball and you come off a backscreen to the wing for the ball and you have a wide open look and they haven't even checked it yet
Ankle broke is much worse. Cant live it down. i'm 5'8 and if I ever get dunked on, I wouldn't even be mad.
Been dunked on a few times.. but as said earlier, no big, since I'm short (5'9").

Getting crossed doesn't happen so much, as I pride myself on decent D. There was one time I was guardin this dude Daven/Davin that used to play for ASU (now overseas, I think). He crossed over, I bit the first hesitation and I was facing where-he-used-to-be and my back was to him as he rose to shoot a deep 2 (pickup game) to win the game. I didn't even see him shoot the damn jumper I got crossed so bad. It was the worst I've ever had, I didn't even fall. It was just like the dude disappeared.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

If you hoop for real and play D you gonna get dunked in the vicinity of.

Being on an island and getting put on skates is way worse. Where they do that at?
Being put on skates is never a good look. Especially when your legs shake like Bambi.

You are gonna get dunked on if you have the heart to challenge every shot but just don't get destroyed like Ewing or Alonzo.
I'd rather get dunked on. I take pride playing defense. If I let my man get by me, I'm embarrsed. I can't imagine someone making me fall.
Getting dunked on and it's not even close... getting dropped due to have your ankles broke is a no go.

The whole crowd will be mocking you

If I know I'm up against someone that has nice handles and I couldn't keep up with them I play off defense... by that I mean I play off the ball and let them have space and give them open shots and most of the time they can't hit a jumper, but can drive to the hole and shake and bake.
the crossover....

i never really thought it was all that for a dude to get dunked on because at least he was trying to defend the basket and not give up an easy 2

but when a guy makes you mentally lose your balance with his moves
Oh yeah, getting crossed to the point to where you fall is worse than getting dunked on.
Getting crossed. It's much worse to be on the ground looking like a total fool. Never happened to me, but I've given my share of the cross/pause + stare defender in the eye/see ya!

Getting dunked on is not big deal. I got dunked on trying to take one of those soft charges
 and as dude was in the process of throwing it down my head turned to my bench as if to say "yup this is happening". Didn't fall tho, plus I'm 5'10 and he was around 6'6 so no big deal.
Me and my boy were discussing this and we both agreed that getting shook to the floor is worse. A dunk is like a clash of the Titans, you can sort of respect the guy who got dunked on because he showed heart, but getting skated to the ground
that's making a grown man fall without even touching him. That's almost like magic. Definitely more humiliating in my opinion.

I've been "dunked on" in front of a crowd, I was under the goal and the guy caught an ally behind me. I'm short so it's kind of expected, but the crowd still went crazy. I've never been floored in front of a crowd tho.
Dunked on like Pippen did Ewing is worse, especially if you're playing with a lot of guys who can't done. The question is what were you thinking contesting that?

You can always play off ankle breaking with steals and better defense.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Me and my boy were discussing this and we both agreed that getting shook to the floor is worse. A dunk is like a clash of the Titans, you can sort of respect the guy who got dunked on because he showed heart, but getting skated to the ground
that's making a grown man fall without even touching him. That's almost like magic. Definitely more humiliating in my opinion.

I've been "dunked on" in front of a crowd, I was under the goal and the guy caught an ally behind me. I'm short so it's kind of expected, but the crowd still went crazy. I've never been floored in front of a crowd tho.

I've never really been dunked on, but I've been crossed and paralyzed. I'd imagine for those who play with people capable of doing either on a regular basis, getting dunked on is more embarassing especially in an organized game where they get the and 1. Because everything stops and you just have to wallow in it as opposed to just moving on to the next play.

Getting shamgod'd sucks though too
And I do that all the time, but to have it done to me my feelings were super hurt.
i'd rather get dunked on.

being crossed over just starts trash talking which will more than likely take me out of my game.
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