All of my 1985 babies. What are you up to today?

Not married
No Kids
I take pride in health and fitness
I never pay for groceries only supplements.Days off I eat out all the time. I eat very good I'm a bodybuilder. Natural.
Thanks to my job...and deal with things on the side
Have a rental property
I read....a lot
Studying for a future endeavor
All I watch is HGTV and American Greed besides nba and nfl season.
Yo I eat out almost every meal and its hard to eat healthy, wanna shoot some ideas?
Dec 85   C/O 2004

- Married for 6 years

- No kids


- Dropped outta College during 2nd semester (going back this spring actually)

- Worked Retail for a Very long time (Shoe Store)

- Currently -Associate Footwear Buyer (mens Bball and Xtraining)

- Moved something like 7 times in 7 years, 6 states

- Love my life, I mean we would all like a new Lambo and a mansion ... But im fine right now, everything is 100
-Moved from my hometown to SF four years ago
-In the 3rd year of my career
-2nd year year of a relationship
-saving for a home / condo but damn is it expensive out here
-I can't stand crowded bars or clubs unless I'm there for live music

How was/is the move to S.F. for you?

Where was your hometown?

I'm thinking of making a similar move in the future...
85er here

-Serious relationship
-Decent gig
-Bout to move into the townhouse next month
-Saving for a weeding ring
-First child may be on the way don't know yet
-Can't complain. Sometimes when I'm with my lady it feels surreal. Told myself a while ago I wouldn't do the love thing again and here I am and its cool as hell.
-30 lurking and I ain't even worried.
Dec 85er, Class of 2003

-No kids

-Just started dating a girl I've been chasing for a while(years)

-Just hit the 1 year mark at my first permanent job

-Live at home

-Saving to move out

-Exercise regularly at the gym

-Sucks being in debt

-Blessed beyond belief
sept 85 here c/o 2004

gotta degree in phys. ed
work part time for delta airlines
do a good amount of traveling due to flying for free
run track on the pro circuit waiting on my breakout season
lvl 1 certified track and field coach
not married no kids
even tho things could be a lot better money wise im content on where i am right now cuz i know things will fall into place at the right time
sept 85 here c/o 2004

gotta degree in phys. ed
work part time for delta airlines
do a good amount of traveling due to flying for free
run track on the pro circuit waiting on my breakout season
lvl 1 certified track and field coach
not married no kids
even tho things could be a lot better money wise im content on where i am right now cuz i know things will fall into place at the right time
what events u do on the circuit bruh?
Dec. 85 here

Married to a beautiful woman, a beautiful daughter
crazy student loan debt
no career, work part-time
don't own a home yet

I feel like my life is wasted for the most part |I
Dec 85' for me..

-Good paying gig
-2 cars
--my own spot
-only loved once
-finally accepting the fact that writing poetry is a talent
--about to go back to school to be a radiation therapist.. Momz had cancer when I was young and now I feel like I need to give back because the radiation therapy played a big part in saving her..
-no kids
-getting back on my music too, making beats, back drumming and practicing guitar in my free time..
-dealing with the after effects of a asthma attack I had tuesday as of now
sept 85 here c/o 2004

gotta degree in phys. ed
work part time for delta airlines
do a good amount of traveling due to flying for free
run track on the pro circuit waiting on my breakout season
lvl 1 certified track and field coach
not married no kids
even tho things could be a lot better money wise im content on where i am right now cuz i know things will fall into place at the right time

What school you ran for?
85 is my oldest sister's birth year.. all I can say is in 6 years I pray I am at least light years ahead of where she is at. :\ Good job to all you successful grown ups tho

No children, but a niece we see as our own
8 years as a resp therapist
Own an apt in suburbs of NY
Drive a Jeep
Love Crossfit.
All you youngins better get off my lawn.

Been with my wife 10 years (met freshman year in college)
Daughter 8, son 6
Zero debt because I rent and my car is a 2000. Both of these will change in the next few years.

I was a retail manager. I got canned and in hindsight it was one of the best things to happen to me. It forced me back to school, and now I've been working in the medical field the last 3 years.
All of my coworkers are middle aged menopausal women. They all say I'm pretty mature for my age.
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Born in Nov of 1985, moved to the USA in 1994. Got my BS in 2009. It took 6 years because of combination of messing around, changing major and added GE courses required. Got my MS in 2010. Got my MBA in 2012.

I'm single, but dating now and then. Career is first. And it's hard to find someone worthwhile, ie educated, cultured, career oriented, etc.

I lived in a bad area for nearly a decade throughout my middle and high school years. The kids I hung out started smoking cigs then moved onto weed and eventually hardcore stuff. Peer pressure was never a factor for me so I never touched that stuff. I don't talk to anyone from high school anymore sans 3 people because our lives are different with different goals.

Most of my friends are in their 30s and established. I fit in more with that crowd because I always like to talk about business, current events, etc.

I've been toying of relocating to propel my career, and still looking around.
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85 baby
2 children
Year 7 into career
About to purchase first home
Lost my lil brother this year. It hurts from time to time more than I think
Mom survived breast cancer
Found out my sperm donor had more kids
Decent relationship with half brother and sister
Feeling blessed
06 maxima that's almost paid off.
Trying to spend less money on dumb s:;(
Credit is average
Only insecurity is still not being done with school.
401 k is looking beasty
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Fellow 85'er

- No Kids
- No current relationship, nor ever married
- Currently in my 2nd year of Grad school for speech-language pathology
- In a years time I'll be a practicing SLP
- Wanna settledown after this program is over but not willing to settle with the types of women i'm seeing
- Got a good family, and 2 nephews I see as my own kids

- Had the ability to travel and will continue to do so when the chances come up

Still have a lot I want to get accomplished and hope opportunities multiply for me.

So I wrote this a couple months ago and I think it would be a good idea for us to just quote ourselves and just keep updating this thread with our progress.

So mostly all of this is still true for me. I was able to travel a bit more....Went to SF, Chicago, NOLA within these past couple months so i'm glad about that. Within the next year or so I want to go back to SF, go to DC, Seattle, AC, Montreal/Niagra, and Guyana. Hopefully this works out. If I get a down *** girl or not doesn't phase me right now because I'm gonna be developing my skills at both my externship sites about to start next monday (Jan 6th), however there are some I want to have some casual encounters with and hopefully it pans out. My family stays good to me so I hope I can take a trip with them this upcoming summer after I get my M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology.

Good career on the railroad
Rocky 6 yr relationship not married
Beautiful daughter
Townhome/ condo shopping.
I feel like I'm on par with my life. A few birdies wouldn't hurt tho.

Single now, almost over the burn stage.
Without a family I see no use in buying property at this moment and I've been doing more of what I wanted.
Daughter is almost 2 and it's going by fast :wow:
Single now, almost over the burn stage.
Without a family I see no use in buying property at this moment and I've been doing more of what I wanted.
Daughter is almost 2 and it's going by fast :wow:
Bro, best of luck to you, man.

It seems you have a solid career so just focus on that and your kid.

I'm sort of like you. I'm single and career oriented. I thought I wanted to stay in SoCal forever. Now I have potential employers from around the country, and a couple abroad contacting me. I see no point in buying a house at the moment as well since I think that every region has its own awesome culture to offer, and I want to see them before I get married and become rooted. Not to mention, the bump in career advancement available is too hard to turn down as well.

If you didn't do anything wrong with the lady, I don't think you should feel bummed out.
Bro, best of luck to you, man.

It seems you have a solid career so just focus on that and your kid.

I'm sort of like you. I'm single and career oriented. I thought I wanted to stay in SoCal forever. Now I have potential employers from around the country, and a couple abroad contacting me. I see no point in buying a house at the moment as well since I think that every region has its own awesome culture to offer, and I want to see them before I get married and become rooted. Not to mention, the bump in career advancement available is too hard to turn down as well.

If you didn't do anything wrong with the lady, I don't think you should feel bummed out.

6+ years of waking up with someone and then no one is defiantly something you gotta get use to lol but like I said I'm basically used to it now and ready to get my @Fontaine on lol
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