Allen Iverson to officially retire from the NBA, vol. HWhat?

they gonna find something to assassinate your character even if it's petty or false when you are the best player in the league

In Iverson's case, it isn't character assassination since the flak that he got/gets is about 70% deserved. It's been said that sports/competition don't build character, it reveals it. This dude chose to blow off practice, something he'd been doing for years prior to the rant, and then has one of the defining ninja moments of the past 10-15 years via a press conference. He chose to go on TV and claim that God controls his body and all that other meth, molly, bath salt, crackhead excuse making. Here's some other things to consider:

1) Iverson got passes for not practicing, being late, not showing up, and so on up until he wound up in Memphis. Guys like Isiah Rider got cut, traded, and blackballed from the league when they did what Iverson did.

2) He really was selfish. If he wanted to win so badly, why didn't he raise hell to get moved? Guys like Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Kevin Garnett, just to name a few, who got/get clowned for not having heart, had it in them to leave teams in an attempt to win. Iverson stuck around because he knew he could get away with his ish in Philly. Nobody with sense would play with somebody like that because it's about what they want to do rather than succeed.

3) Hell, he general manager wanted to quit after that and had to drink himself into staying: :rofl:
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In Iverson's case, it isn't character assassination since the flak that he got/gets is about 70% deserved. It's been said that sports/competition don't build character, it reveals it. This dude chose to blow off practice, something he'd been doing for years prior to the rant, and then has one of the defining ninja moments of the past 10-15 years via a press conference. He chose to go on TV and claim that God controls his body and all that other meth, molly, bath salt, crackhead excuse making. Here's some other things to consider:

1) Iverson got passes for not practicing, being late, not showing up, and so on up until he wound up in Memphis. Guys like Isiah Rider got cut, traded, and blackballed from the league when they did what Iverson did.

2) He really was selfish. If he wanted to win so badly, why didn't he raise hell to get moved? Guys like Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Kevin Garnett, just to name a few, who got/get clowned for not having heart, had it in them to leave teams in an attempt to win. Iverson stuck around because he knew he could get away with his ish in Philly. Nobody with sense would play with somebody like that because it's about what they want to do rather than succeed.

3) Hell, he general manager wanted to quit after that and had to drink himself into staying: :rofl:

2 gotta be the stupidest attempt at a point I've ever seen. You compared a player who was the sole reason his team made it to the finals to a bunch of dudes who tried to piggy back? Those dudes couldn't do what he did how on earth would you flip that to a negative. Everything else you said is on point though, but if Iverson would've been a different man, he would've never been what he was, which no matter how you spin it ultimately made him amazing on that court.
2 gotta be the stupidest attempt at a point I've ever seen. You compared a player who was the sole reason his team made it to the finals to a bunch of dudes who tried to piggy back? Those dudes couldn't do what he did how on earth would you flip that to a negative. Everything else you said is on point though, but if Iverson would've been a different man, he would've never been what he was, which no matter how you spin it ultimately made him amazing on that court.

Let me take #2 further. You're right about Tracy, Vince, and KG not being able to do what Iverson did and he rightly should be credited for his toughness & skill. He couldn't have had a chance without those attributes. That being said, AI told more than he showed when it came to the other things about the game that didn't involve shooting and ballhandling. KG especially tried harder than the other guys I named to singlehandedly win a title with a team that needed help. Iverson's Finals team had to be built around his style of play, meaning that no other above average to All-Star level offensive threat could be in the equation because Allen wasn't going to pass the ball in any game that's not the All Star Game. Using the subpar teammate excuse doesn't fly when the organization, not just the team, gets on board with you running things and things wind up off course because you're doing you and are fine with how things turn out. The guys I named, Stephon Marbury, and even Isiah Rider would put teams on blast and or force their way out when losing was going down and they'd do the same as Iverson when it came to cutting up. They didn't get the chances AI got. Like we saw in the rant, Iverson had more passion pissing and moaning about having to practice than trying to get to a better team or pressuring the brass for better help. Hell, when he was trying to play in Turkey, he tried to negotiate a clause where he didn't have to practice, be on time, and or pay full/any fines for anything he did. He's deservedly a HOFer but he could've been even better had his head been screwed on straight. He wasn't the absolute worst but he screwed himself.
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Let me take #2 further. You're right about Tracy, Vince, and KG not being able to do what Iverson did and he rightly should be credited for his toughness & skill. He couldn't have had a chance without those attributes. That being said, AI told more than he showed when it came to the other things about the game that didn't involve shooting and ballhandling. KG especially tried harder than the other guys I named to singlehandedly win a title with a team that needed help. Iverson's Finals team had to be built around his style of play, meaning that no other above average to All-Star level offensive threat could be in the equation because Allen wasn't going to pass the ball in any game that's not the All Star Game. Using the subpar teammate excuse doesn't fly when the organization, not just the team, gets on board with you running things and things wind up off course because you're doing you and are fine with how things turn out. The guys I named, Stephon Marbury, and even Isiah Rider would put teams on blast and or force their way out when losing was going down and they'd do the same as Iverson when it came to cutting up. They didn't get the chances AI got. Like we saw in the rant, Iverson had more passion pissing and moaning about having to practice than trying to get to a better team or pressuring the brass for better help. Hell, when he was trying to play in Turkey, he tried to negotiate a clause where he didn't have to practice, be on time, and or pay full/any fines for anything he did. He's deservedly a HOFer but he could've been even better had his head been screwed on straight. He wasn't the absolute worst but he screwed himself.

Iverson didn't ask to have the team built around him, that was coach browns idea. Iverson actually enjoyed the talented players who were there when he first came, and was close to them. There is a big difference between Isiah Rider, Steph, and Iverson. They all had poor ethic, but when it actually came to what they're paid to do only one left it all on the court at all times. The formula around the 76ers wasn't a losing formula which is what you seem to be completely ignoring. They didn't win the championship, but were a contender (at least in the east) for a good while. No one you named won, or even had close to the sucess AI and the sixers had during that time period. Stop trying to make a point when you haven't one. He never matured, and no one expected him to. He played basketball and is a HOFer as you said, the fact some folks wanted more of him isn't gonna change that.
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In Iverson's case, it isn't character assassination since the flak that he got/gets is about 70% deserved.
naw, never

at the time, the team should of been more worried about building a championship team instead of assassinating their own star player character  for missing practice

that was the 1st time I seen something petty made into a spectacle in sports
Iversons character and personality was ultimately both one of his stronger qualities and his downfall as well.
I seriously cannot understand how some people don't think Iverson is an icon.

It really is mindblowing 
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