Allergic to alcohol, need help for a cure!

Originally Posted by straight kash

Originally Posted by af1 1982

Pepcid AC. Take it before I drink and don't get that Red Face. If I forgot, I purposely drink less because girls don't like that asian flush.

Its not just red face, its worse.  Shortness of breathe, headaches, just an overall uncomfortable feeling except this one time a few years back.
There's no cure for the most part, if you're really badly allergic to alcohol, I suggest not drinking at all. It poses more of a serious medical risk. I had a friend who thought that he can force himself to drink and his body will "Get use to it" Then one night of drinking, he was rushed to the hospita since his liver was acting up too.

So my question is, is it really worth it just to be socially accepted amongst your friends and family to have a good time? For your health just skip it.

Even after my friend's health scare, fool still decides to drink.
If something worse happens next time, I can't have no sympathy.
Yo my friend is an NTer and is asian and has this problem.... is that you Shawn?

he takes Pepcid before the night begins usually
Pepcid AC works wonders. Take the chewable kind about 1 hour before drinking and you wont turn red/as red without it. Trust me I have it the worst, without it i turn sometimes turn purple.
I'm a light skinned Filipino, and I used to get the glow after 2 drinks. The only way I overcame it was drinking like crazy in college. Now I don't get the glow until drink 5 or 6.
I used to have this problem not Asian, I'm Italian, but allergic to something in liquor and started drinking gin and no problems
Originally Posted by Trav T

I'm a light skinned Filipino, and I used to get the glow after 2 drinks. The only way I overcame it was drinking like crazy in college. Now I don't get the glow until drink 5 or 6.
Except I just got kinda pink, not so much red, for a brief couple ten, fifteen minutes, then I get somewhat white
Peeps here don't even drink that much.

I hope you understand what type of 'red' you are suggesting.  Though it is normal to turn a bit red from too much alcohol, a small amount shouldn't make you look like a lobster. lol

Red from an allergic reaction and red from dilating your cells/veins are two diff't things.
+1 on the pepcid AC. My wife will pop one before taking her first drink and it helps with the flushness and also the uncomfortable feeling.

sidenote: being born Korean and allergic to alcohol is a cruel cruel joke. In korea, its not a matter of social acceptance amongst peers, a lot of business gets done around booze. Inability to drink could hamper your career aspirations.
I dont drink, I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do. Thanks for the inquiries NT, keep them comin!!
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