Am I being rude to store workers? Vol. Can I help you with anything?

i cant stand the people who ignore me, if im considerate enough to be kind enough to greet you you damn sure better be considerate enough to respond back, illeither keep on asking "how you doin today do you need any help?" or "do you speak english or have trouble hearing" until i get a responsepositive or negative.
not to hijack but...

i work in a coffee shop. I hate when a customer walks to the counter and I say hello, how are you doing? and they stare at the menu behind me and say gimme asecond. I asked how are you doing, not what are you having. I guess people arnt used to genuine human connection in a retail world anymore.
Originally Posted by Stork

anyone who has worked retail knows they are required to ask if you need help, if we don't we could get slammed by supervisor/manager if they catch wind of it, OR you could be a mystery shopper that snitches on us.

can't afford to lose a job in times like this
you didnt do anything wrong.. like dude said.. those workers prolly been asking customers for hours
I personally hate when associates ask you if you need help in stores, it is very annoying. Just yesterday I was in Steve Madden
with my girl and when we walked in the girl said hello and we hello back. She said let me know if you need anything and my girl
was like "ok". We took 2 steps and another chick is like "do you need any help?" and my girl said "no, thank you". Not even aminute
later the first chick comes back saying "you guys need help?" Im like "damn, we don't need any help, I'll tell ya'll if we do"to my girl and
she said "they trippin in here" so we left. It feels like they are harrasing you rather than trying to help.
Every time they ask me, if they can help me and I'm just looking around or window shopping I always say "no thanks I'm just browsing."
lakersmets49ers wrote:
i cant stand the people who ignore me, if im considerate enough to be kind enough to greet you you damn sure better be considerate enough to respond back, ill either keep on asking "how you doin today do you need any help?" or "do you speak english or have trouble hearing" until i get a response positive or negative.
St f u its part of your job its not you being considerate.Ill usually just tell them im fine and ill let them know if I need anything.If you havea bunch of people approaching you its because there boss is real strict probably.You do have the lazy !!+ customers that complain when they have to walk a fewsteps and ask for help.So I guess it is kinda necessary for them to approach you.
Originally Posted by msDUNKtastic

lakersmets49ers wrote:
i cant stand the people who ignore me, if im considerate enough to be kind enough to greet you you damn sure better be considerate enough to respond back, ill either keep on asking "how you doin today do you need any help?" or "do you speak english or have trouble hearing" until i get a response positive or negative.
St f u its part of your job its not you being considerate.Ill usually just tell them im fine and ill let them know if I need anything.If you have a bunch of people approaching you its because there boss is real strict probably.You do have the lazy !!+ customers that complain when they have to walk a few steps and ask for help.So I guess it is kinda necessary for them to approach you.

not really my job is to make sure everyone else at my job is doin their job and to get on them when their not doin stuff, ill even admit i suckat times when it comes to customer relations but thats just to stupid rude inconsiderate people who are shocked that i treat people the way they treat me and ican be just as rude and inconsiderate. i just find it disrespectful that if im being kind enough to be friendly to you i feel you should at least acknowledgeme back and if your going to ignore me then im going to keep on askin how you doin or ask you if your deaf or if you have hearing problems, and if the customerwants to get mad they can leave and shop elsewhere i could really care less, i'm not the type to follow people around the store and ask them tons ofquestions because i know i hate pushy employees, i ask people how their doin and to let me know if they need help and let them keep it moving.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i cant stand the people who ignore me, if im considerate enough to be kind enough to greet you you damn sure better be considerate enough to respond back, ill either keep on asking "how you doin today do you need any help?" or "do you speak english or have trouble hearing" until i get a response positive or negative.
Man i wish i would run into you (now i dont) but come on now, dont nobody gotta talk to you. if you got the decency sp? to greet, good for yourA!!


anyways, i just say "na im good, thank you"
i rather have them ask then not ask...when i used to walk into LV stores I would not even get a greeting and I would be heated. I would walk into the storeswith intentions to buy things, but if they don't greet me I walk out.
Originally Posted by thagreatj

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

i cant stand the people who ignore me, if im considerate enough to be kind enough to greet you you damn sure better be considerate enough to respond back, ill either keep on asking "how you doin today do you need any help?" or "do you speak english or have trouble hearing" until i get a response positive or negative.
Man i wish i would run into you (now i dont) but come on now, dont nobody gotta talk to you. if you got the decency sp? to greet, good for your A!!


anyways, i just say "na im good, thank you"
i wish i could run into you to ask you what happened after that ******** dallas game even though im going to be quiet as a church mouse thesunday afterwards most likely .

yea no one has to respond to me greeting them but theres a common saying called treat people the way you want to be treated. maybe other people don't takeit that way but to me i feel stupid and take it as disrespect if ask you how your doing and you flat out ignore me like your better then me or something, mostof the time when i call customers out on that they end up apologizing and the few that have had that "i don't need to respond to you" attitudeive been more then happy to show the we have the right to refuse service sign to, seriously though most of the customers at my job i end up getting along withand dealing with outside of work and networking but i can't stand rude inconsiderate people, oh well holiday season is comming up which means most likelyill be working in the back most of the time

when im the customer though, i'm cool with the sales associates greeting me as long as their not too pushy and on top of me following me everywhere i go, irather be greeted and acknowledged though as opposed to if i go to a higher end store onin beverly hills or what not where i won't even be acknowledgedunless they know me or i'm a celeberity.
just say your looking, if you do need help though don't say no thanks and buy somthing anyway. i think thats werid. you good though.
That's retail for ya.
I worked at Martin + Osa here in Tysons Corner and we had to hound the crap out of customers. It was part of the job to be very attentive and aggressive. Afterabout 4 months I finally said no more because I'm not the aggressive salesperson type. If someone wants something, they're gonna ask or buy it.M+O's idea was that the more you describe products and give the customer ideas for what to wear/match with the chinos or shirt or polo or shoes they werebuying, the more crap they would buy.
I was paid a lot for retail ($15/hr) but I just couldn't deal with it anymore.
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