Am I right to believe that God is also a vengeful god?

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I'm wondering......

I mean God brings all that is good, but can he also bring all that is bad? Couldn't he possibly be a vengeful God, one who also creates bad situations forme to show me the light of the good situations?

* please no post questioning his Goodness. I am only seeking where the poor situations, I may be in, come from.

I really liked lupe fiasco's quote on god in the song "The Coolest" - "I love the lord, but sometimes it's like that I love me more."

I'm just saying, if I was in a bad situation, aren't I correct to think God was sending me a sign and showing his fatherly figure and punish me?
No. God gets all the credit for everything good, if something bad happens it's Satan, us (people), or, "the Lord works in mysterious ways. He has aplan."
In regards to God I've come up with three facts, and the only three facts we can know about God(if he exists)
1.He's not all powerful
2.He's not all knowing
3.He's not all good.
God does not bring evil into the world. Humans are the ones who brought evil into the world.

But God can allow certain bad things to take their course in our lives, as a way to strengthen us as people.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

No. God gets all the credit for everything good, if something bad happens it's Satan, us (people), or, "the Lord works in mysterious ways. He has a plan."
That doesn't seem fair. I would like to think God brings all that good and bad to me to show me signs. How would he know what's good andwhat's bad to me?
I really liked lupe fiasco's quote on god in the song "The Coolest" - "I love the lord, but sometimes it's like that I love memore."

I'm just saying, if I was in a bad situation, aren't I correct to think God was sending me a sign and showing his fatherly figure and punish me?
Our God is vengeful! O spiteful one, show me who to smite and they shall be smoten!
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by Luong1209

If he is perfect, why did he create something (us) so imperfect?
You haven't really understand to ask that.......yet
Why do people say people are so imperfect. Some people are horrid but some people seem to be pretty "perfect" and even they suck. Humansnever get credit for anything we do. Why can't we understand God's "plan"? Why can't someone be perfect? What does it even mean to be"perfect"? Jesus? that's bull because if he comes back today people would think he's anti-American and a dirty hippie, so even the"perfect" one wouldn't be perfect by todays standards. I hate religion with a passion, Love God, Love the bible(as a "how to" book forlife nothing more if I could find a better one I'd read that", but I wish we could do away with religion.
Here is one thing I like to say when people question "God"...

Do you really think that a supreme being such as "God" can be understood through human reasoning? If "God" is what he is painted out to be,confining "him" to human logic and emotions such as jealousy and anger would be insulting and degrading which in turn could be consideredblasphemous..

But if you're not feelin that then "Everything happens for a reason..."
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Do you really think that a supreme being such as "God" can be understood through human reasoning? If "God" is what he is painted out to be, confining "him" to human logic and emotions such as jealousy and anger would be insulting and degrading which in turn could be considered blasphemous..
That's one hell of a ego. PUN INTENDED! OW.
They say God is all powerful and creator of all. Then can he make the rock he cannot move? Is so, he isn't all powerful. If not, he isn't creator ofall.

If God is all knowing, then we humans don't have free will.
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Here is one thing I like to say when people question "God"...

Do you really think that a supreme being such as "God" can be understood through human reasoning? If "God" is what he is painted out to be, confining "him" to human logic and emotions such as jealousy and anger would be insulting and degrading which in turn could be considered blasphemous..

But if you're not feelin that then "Everything happens for a reason..."
That is such a weak argument. "We's be to stupid to understands what Gods is doings" WHY? no one said we are confining him. Logichas nothing to do with human emotion in fact it's the opposite. I don't get how we can think that we are to stupid to understand the world. I thinkthrough mathmatics and logic we can achieve anything.
Yes. According to the old testament he had a lot to do with wrath and being petty.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

No. God gets all the credit for everything good, if something bad happens it's Satan, us (people), or, "the Lord works in mysterious ways. He has a plan."
I hate ppl for doing that. They always say some shh like the Devil was tempting them and I be like what if GOD was tempting your simple *$#? Imean aint somewhere in the bible there's a story about GOD making a bet with the Devil about some dude's faith? Proof that GOD really did make us inhis image. I know he/her might be on another level but he aint foreign to humans
I have a feeling a lot of people are gonna be pretty disappointed after death. That's where our money should go. Reviving dead people to see what'sreally good.
Really? I really don't believe we have this many skeptics. People are secretly wondering, i know i'm not the only one.
It's more like I didn't create nothing here, so why bother with egotism? We do have abilities, skills, and god like talents to make things as god did.
God is a bit of an d-bag. I'm sorry but its true. He craves attention. He gets jealous if you worship someone else. He also killed millions of people. HellSatan has barely killed people on his own terms. God told him to kill the people he killed.

Then you have the people who do bad things in the name of God. The bible advocates unity and love and peace but it also advocates prejudice, cruelty,superstition, bigotry, and murder...
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