Am I the only New Yorker that feels that NYC is overrated?

Mar 24, 2005
Compared to other big cities. Maybe I need a tourist's perspective, cause I haven't done anything that's so amazing. Lights, some buildings andthen what? I'm being serious, put me on.

Seriously, instead of taking shots, elaborate.
You haven't done much if you think the city is overrated. Does it get boring at times and want to get away? Sure. Overrated? No. There are plenty thingsthat I still haven't done as a resident here.
most people don't do all the touristy things in the city where they live ... i def. love to travel and make it a priority to do everything possible when ivisit other major cities ... w/ that being said you need to get out more and take adv of what is out here ... sucks to be you OP

This feeling is temporary. You have NY in your name. You don't really think it's overrated. You're just sick of it. Go somewhere else on a trip ormake new friends. Do different things. Think about the food, how every neighborhood is different, the entertainment. You live in a million cities in one.Don't be a baby.
I got respect for Brooklyn and Manhattan , but the rest of it isn't even worth visiting .

I'm moving to the West Coast or Midwest as soon as I get my paper right .
Originally Posted by NYelectric

This feeling is temporary. You have NY in your name. You don't really think it's overrated. You're just sick of it. Go somewhere else on a trip or make new friends. Do different things. Think about the food, how every neighborhood is different, the entertainment. You live in a million cities in one. Don't be a baby.
I'm sayin'
. If you don't enjoy NY you'reprobably just burnt out on it, but it's not like other cities are that much better any way.
Originally Posted by JoeClear

I got respect for Brooklyn and Manhattan , but the rest of it isn't even worth visiting .


And that's coming from someone from Brooklyn. There's value in all boroughs. Even Staten Island. Some people really need to get out more.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by NYMVP

I did the tourist-y things. Big whoop. I never said I didn't go out.
No reason to get offended or upset.
I'm neither. But can someone get specific. I want to know what some people know that I don't. The NYMVP title has more to do with me thanNY btw.

Edit: That no life thing isn't true, I go out, I have friends but I still don't see what's THAT unique. NY is not trash, just not as amazing aspeople make it to be.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by JoeClear

I got respect for Brooklyn and Manhattan , but the rest of it isn't even worth visiting .


And that's coming from someone from Brooklyn. There's value in all boroughs. Even Staten Island. Some people really need to get out more.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by JoeClear

I got respect for Brooklyn and Manhattan , but the rest of it isn't even worth visiting .


And that's coming from someone from Brooklyn. There's value in all boroughs. Even Staten Island. Some people really need to get out more.

Where the heck you hanging out in Staten Island , Queens or the Bronx thats a must see ? Get the F up outta here
What's interesting in Staten Island? Seriously. Okay, fine. Right off the top of my head:
One of the few places left in New York City that the mob still has a stranglehold on.
One of the few places left in New York City where you can get a reasonably priced pastrami sandwich and beer. Schaffer's Tavern on Victory Blvd.
Half the restaurants have a "Home Style" menu.
All the men above 35 look the same, all the men below 30 look the same. It's strange. Mustaches. Everyone looks like a cop.
They used to have a beach. Think about that.
There are parts that look like Long Island, there are parts that look like Brooklyn. You'll be driving in a city looking area and all of a suddenthere's a pond and woods.
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