Am I the only New Yorker that feels that NYC is overrated?

Queens and the Bronx, too? Okay.
Queens is the cultural food capital of New York City, and the Bronx is like a time warp.
Originally Posted by JoeClear

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by JoeClear

I got respect for Brooklyn and Manhattan , but the rest of it isn't even worth visiting .


And that's coming from someone from Brooklyn. There's value in all boroughs. Even Staten Island. Some people really need to get out more.

Where the heck you hanging out in Staten Island , Queens or the Bronx thats a must see ? Get the F up outta here
If you don't know what word seeing or doing in the Bronx or Queens you're a cornball.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

yes, you are the only one

^thank you. I think people build it up 'cause where they live is so wack or they're NY elitists. I STILL don't see examples.
New York is an amazing place to live, if you have decent connects/contacts and are intertwined with with the local cultures and entertainment industry.

The best in everything is literally at your fingertips, as long as you know where to look, know the right ppl, and have the money to pay for it if youcan't get it for free.
I've never been to New York, but I would bet that there are some amazing restaurants in NY. Maybe you just aren't doing enough in the city toappreciate it?
You're either too young, too closeminded, too boring, your friends are too boring, your parents aren't from here, you don't know anyone over 40that's from here, you're depressed, or you're just in the mood to start an unwinnable argument. You want to know what the city has the offer? Goout there and find it. Or just think, "at least I didn't grow up in the midwest," and be happy with that.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

You're either too young, too closeminded, too boring, your friends are too boring, your parents aren't from here, you don't know anyone over 40 that's from here, you're depressed, or you're just in the mood to start an unwinnable argument. You want to know what the city has the offer? Go out there and find it. Or just think, "at least I didn't grow up in the midwest," and be happy with that.

I'm not trying to win an argument, I'm just trying to figure out what the big deal is. Maybe it's just me.
I'm not trying to win an argument
Clearly. Then I have to assume I nailed it on all the rest.

The bars, clubs, restaurants, street food, and different cultural food at friend's houses
The diversity
Every neighborhood is like a different country
The parks
The beaches
Theaters, movie and otherwise
The people
Madison Square Garden
The US Open
Comedy clubs
The history
The architecture
The bridges
The water in general
The stores

I could go on. What else do you want?
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Queens and the Bronx, too? Okay.
Queens is the cultural food capital of New York City, and the Bronx is like a time warp.

.....wait a minute
Originally Posted by NYelectric

I'm not trying to win an argument
Clearly. Then I have to assume I nailed it on all the rest.

The bars, clubs, restaurants, street food, and different cultural food at friend's houses
The diversity
Every neighborhood is like a different country
The parks
The beaches
Theaters, movie and otherwise
The people
Madison Square Garden
The US Open
Comedy clubs
The history
The architecture
The bridges
The water in general
The stores

I could go on. What else do you want?

The shots are not necessary. I don't even know you.

The only thing on the list I haven't experienced are the comedy clubs and the US Open. Like I said, I guess it's just me. Or I need to leave for awhile before I realize how great it is.
Originally Posted by xJoRDaNHeaD

New York has so much more than any other city. You notice it once you move out of there.

i moved to a nice area in canada and the only thing i find to be better or considered more of an upgrade is really the mta
i love New York. i rep it all the time up there but i really think this city is going down the drain with pollution and just peoples attitudes....thenagain..maybe its cause i like the burbs better.
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