Am I the only one that does this? Vol. Online Coupons

Apr 22, 2008
Whenever someone posts a link to a coupon and I want to get it, instead of buying it through their link I'll just go to the website myself and buy it from there.

You ain't getting your stuff for free on my dollar, I don't know you bro
kinda selfish imo. their posting a link to a coupon you would most likely have had no knowledge of and rather then make it mutual where both sides benifit you think everythings all about you.
That is just foul. Why not let that man get credit for it? Think about it. You win (purchase) and your brother wins (credit). Why be like that? I don't understand the humor AT ALL. So I hope you are the only one that does that. That is just happy.
So basically since you ain't getting it free, you don't want someone else to get it free. 
Originally Posted by asianplayer

So basically since you ain't getting it free, you don't want someone else to get it free. 

sounds like typical cheap niketalkers to me.

Na man, if it's someone on NT hooking me up and it benefits me the same either way, I'm always gonna help a brotha out
going out of your way just so that boy cant eat a little bit.........i see that as a female dog move.
Damn, you must not buy fundraiser chocolates either. Probably just buy the candy at CVS right in front of the kids huh? LOL
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

kinda selfish imo. their posting a link to a coupon you would most likely have had no knowledge of and rather then make it mutual where both sides benifit you think everythings all about you.

OP You're playing the game like an idiot

You're not gonna get many favors in life with the selfish mindset you got.
Originally Posted by djuzi05

Whenever someone posts a link to a coupon and I want to get it, instead of buying it through their link I'll just go to the website myself and buy it from there.

You ain't getting your stuff for free on my dollar, I don't know you bro

I do this all the time IDC what anyone thinks about it.
OP that's pretty dumb.  Not like helping someone else out makes an item more expensive for you. 
Didn't know what in blue hell OP was talking about by judging from the responses, it has something to do with the karma loop rep codes or something
Unless the link doesn't work, I'll use their link, forums usually have rules against referrals anyway.
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