Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable calling youre friend's parents by their first name?

May 15, 2007
I went over my friend's house today, and his parents told me to call them by their first names. Calling other people's parents by their first names hasalways been weird to me. Am I the only one?
I could never do that. Hell it feels weird calling anyone older than 50 by their first name.
I'm 22 and I can't still. I have a tough time unless they force it out of me. My mom raised me to be too respectful of others I guess.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

I'm 22 and I can't still. I have a tough time unless they force it out of me. My mom raised me to be too respectful of others I guess.

both my jobs are pretty laid back and i call my managers/superivors buy their first name...i think its weird but everyone else does it so i just go with it...
I did when I was 9 and first came back from Houston because kids always called adults Mr/Mrs there. Here it's pretty much non-existant so I learned to getcomfortable calling adults by their first name (except for teachers of course). The only time I heard a complaint here was when one of my profs insisted he becalled by his full last name, which was actually two last names. He was very awkward to talk to.
Always weird for me and I never did it. Except for my closer friends in which I would say Uncle... or Aunt....
But anyone else its always Mr. Mrs.

But at work I don't feel weird at all calling superiors by their first name.
My girl's mom has always said to me "you don't have to say Miss Ricks, you can say Bonnie" I would feel that would be disrespectful to callher by her first name, but I don't want her to get offended.
i typically don't call any adults by their first name. seems too weird. half the time i don't even know their first name.
i feel uncomfortable doing it ...

one time i called my teacher mr. (insert last name) and he got offended
he said "dont call me mr., it makes me seem old"
i give him a quick
.. and proceeded to tell him that he was old..
okay i didnt tell him he was old but i thought that in my head..

i think its just a sign of respect to call someone mr. or mrs.
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