Am I Wrong? (Relationship Question)

Mar 13, 2008
So about 2 weeks ago this girl and I break up after 8 months. She still wants to be friends and we are still cool. Friday she ask me to come to one of the Trayvon Martin protest rally. and she brings her friend. Her friend is cool and for the most part my type. Every time I was bored at the rally I start to try to get to know my ex's friend and then she started to try to get to know me. After the rally my ex is complaining about breaking up (we broke up because of irreconcilable differences)  but I wasn't trying to hear it. Cuffin season is over and we both agreed on that at the time we broke up.

They wanted to eat afterwards so we walk to china town. During the walk her friend and I get on my ex about her ways (being mean and self centered). So her friend grabs my arm and hand and we walk 3 blocks cuffed up with my ex third wheeling it there in full conversation. I didn't mind at first but I eventually it got uncomfortable. While eating when my ex left we got into conversation again trying to get to know one another. I decided to pay for dinner for all of us. My ex's friend seemed to really appreciate it. I also know my ex's friend was jealous of how I treated her when we were together because her relationship wasn't going well.

My Questions to NT are:

Am I wrong if I try to pursue my ex's friend?

If no is it too soon?

Am I wrong if I just hang out with her without trying to pursue a relationship?

I asked my mom and she didn't see anything wrong with it for the sake of rebounding but would be surprised if I could pull it off without drama, but my neighbor thought it would bewrong.

  • Break up with girl.
  • Meet ex's friend.
  • Is it wrong to pursue ex's friend
Edit: Sorry but pics will not be provided due to seeing the consequences another NTer had to face in the Can I Hit Loser Thread
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn, dude went and asked the whole block about this [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. Do whatever makes you happy OP. Just know every action has consequences.  [/color]
There's seems to be a critical piece of info missing from your post.

Please edit.

Additionally, there is the distinct possibility the friend is using you.
Who goes out with their friends ex? Either they're not that close or it's a trap.
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

There's seems to be a critical piece of info missing from your post.

Please edit.

You're not wrong at all. How close are they? If they are close she probably already made the decision not to do anythin with u.

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn, dude went and asked the whole block about this [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. Do whatever makes you happy OP. Just know every action has consequences.  [/color]

i agree
@FrankMatthews - Sorry but no pics will be provided.

@wrod7 - They go out and kick it every other week but I don't think they are that close that I would be cutting their bond to one another. I think they only knew one another for about 6 months or so.
Originally Posted by illwill8710

@FrankMatthews - Sorry but no pics will be provided.

@wrod7 - They go out and kick it every other week but I don't think they are that close that I would be cutting their bond to one another. I think they only knew one another for about 6 months or so.
If shes up for it, by all means.... 
Nah, you're good son...your ex will def. think otherwise, but you haven't done anything wrong and you seem to be diggin the friend as much as she's diggin it, but approach with caution
i thought dudes had rules that a friend can't pursue his frien'd ex. Aint it the same with females?
well i mean if you don't feel guilty about it and she is cool with it, there isn't much to stop you. however you prolly will never really kno how she REALLY feels about you and her friend together. i would say its too soon but again its dependent on her being absolutely cool with it.

tricky situation imo. id say keep it friendly to avoid unnecessary bs/drama. plenty of other fish in the sea, nyumsayin?
If you have absolutely no intentions of getting back with your ex, then go for it..And you definitely can't have any feelings for your ex remaining because for all you know, she could get pissed at you for smashing/dating her friend and then try to let one of your friends hit it to get back at you. And if you have feelings remaining for her, you'll be pissed
Is her friend worth the drama? Cause there will be drama, lots of it. If you're prepared for it then go right ahead
@ UPPTEMPO8387 - I have no intentions of getting back with my Ex. I wouldn't mind them smash as long as they were happy and being safe.

@ Antidope - I'm not sure I want the drama. But that YOLO feeling has been on my mind since the break-up.
There's plenty of other women. To be honest, there is a great chance that your ex will make her friend feel bad about the whole situation (even though she initially didn't) and will demand you two break up. Your friend, like any other good friend, would oblige & therefore make the unnecessary break up just to appease her selfish friend.

Don't do it.
I dont know about this. If one of my friends started talking or dating my ex boyfriend of anything more than a few weeks I would be furious and cut the friendship off. 

You also have to think about the morals of this chick, unless your just trying to hit it...what kind of person must she be if she has no problem dating her friends ex of 8 months? I just think its wrong on both of your parts...
If I was your ex I would plot and scheme on both y'all but that's just me. Hook her up with another dude quick who would use her and put you on with a chick I knew was dirty just to put you in your place.
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