Amazon Prime Video Thread :

Finished "Tell Me all your secrets" and...

Felt it had some good moments, but overall felt like some sloppy writing, and too much going on with all different side stories. Didn't fell as cohesive as what it could have been due to the dead girls & the creppy Dad, the random swamp dude, the therapist situation, etc. They needed to slow down and take a few breaths and let some of the stories draw out more for the next season, or just not have them in there to begin with.

Some good acting by Hamish(John) though. I give it a 7/10.
I checked out first 3 episodes of "Them", reminds me of Get Out and Us in terms of tone/vibe. It's considered horror, but it's more creepy, with dark tones.

Basic premise is black family moves out to all-white neighborhood in East Compton in 1900s. Whites don't want them there, harass them. The family has previous trauma from white racism in the past and are trying to deal with that, and the present racism alone in their neighborhood.

I'm in.
Most people have given this terrible reviews which is not shocking since Lena Waithe name is attached to it. I'm curious as to what your review will be once you finish it.
I'm not watching the episodes in sequence so maybe I'm missing the point but all I'm taking from THEM is graphic images of black folks getting discriminated against, tortured, mutilated, burnt alive etc. I'm good
I'm not watching the episodes in sequence so maybe I'm missing the point but all I'm taking from THEM is graphic images of black folks getting discriminated against, tortured, mutilated, burnt alive etc. I'm good
I’m sorry but why would you watch them out of sequence :lol: But yeah, it’s a l it what you described. After watching two episodes (the first two episodes, in order), I told y’all that it was an infuriating watch because of the racism.
Been watching with different people. But I don't need to see this **** anyway
It was a really weird watch. Like I know that **** happened but as you said, I didn’t really need to see all that. I can’t imagine what white folks have to say about it. I can’t even envision one watching tbh
I finished s1 of Them. It does give vibes of Us/Get Out, but it's different. Ep 5 was a bit much. I googled around about the show around ep 4 but didn't read any spoilers. It's good. I'd say to reserve judgement until you've watched all 10 eps. I'm not a Lena Waithe fan in the slightest, but she's an EP on this show. I think they are doing this series anthology style similar to something like American Horror Story though. I was kind of turned off early on, but the story of wanting to know what happened kept me watching. My opinion, you won't get the full picture until you've watched the whole thing, anything before that wouldn't be an accurate assessment.
Oh **** Them isn't a movie? Thats what I thought it was the whole time.

I aint ready for 10 eps of that. Maybe in the simmer
I finished s1 of Them. It does give vibes of Us/Get Out, but it's different. Ep 5 was a bit much. I googled around about the show around ep 4 but didn't read any spoilers. It's good. I'd say to reserve judgement until you've watched all 10 eps. I'm not a Lena Waithe fan in the slightest, but she's an EP on this show. I think they are doing this series anthology style similar to something like American Horror Story though. I was kind of turned off early on, but the story of wanting to know what happened kept me watching. My opinion, you won't get the full picture until you've watched the whole thing, anything before that wouldn't be an accurate assessment.
I don't think there's any storyline that could justify all the violence against black people. But that's just me
I don't think there's any storyline that could justify all the violence against black people. But that's just me

If you don't want to watch it, fine. I just think it's irresponsible to judge something as trash without looking at it in totality. If you decide to complete the season and say, it's not for you and you don't like this content, that's fine. I just don't think forming a complete opinion off watching a portion of something, or anything is fair. I've felt this way about other shows and completed seasons of shows I knew I wasn't going to finish, just to have a full scope of what the show was trying to achieve.... Then I trash it lol.
If you don't want to watch it, fine. I just think it's irresponsible to judge something as trash without looking at it in totality. If you decide to complete the season and say, it's not for you and you don't like this content, that's fine. I just don't think forming a complete opinion off watching a portion of something, or anything is fair. I've felt this way about other shows and completed seasons of shows I knew I wasn't going to finish, just to have a full scope of what the show was trying to achieve.... Then I trash it lol.
Irresponsible probably isn't the word you're looking for. If the ends justified the means for you that's cool. Not really my business
If you don't want to watch it, fine. I just think it's irresponsible to judge something as trash without looking at it in totality. If you decide to complete the season and say, it's not for you and you don't like this content, that's fine. I just don't think forming a complete opinion off watching a portion of something, or anything is fair. I've felt this way about other shows and completed seasons of shows I knew I wasn't going to finish, just to have a full scope of what the show was trying to achieve.... Then I trash it lol.
I don't see where he says it's trash, just the themes aren't for him which I understand. Hollywood always takes a great concept and runs it into the ground now we have this constant stream of black trauma being presented to us, it can be overwhelming so I get it. I take a meta approach to some things so I'll probably check it out eventually, but not going to ignore the effects.
I can’t watch any more of these shows about black pain and racism. I got the gist of it. At this point it’s just unintentional (or intentional in some cases) messaging.

Da Tap Dance Man? Deadass?

I may get roasted for this, but’ not a fan of Lena Waithe’s work either. She’s producing everything black lately. :lol::frown:

EDIT: Never mind I see y’all addressed this already. :lol:
Definitely not. It’s important to have all levels of art. It’s just that it seems her style is particularly pushed by Hollywood. Maybe it feels that way because a few shows have been on hitus, too.

I just want to see more different takes. And less trauma porn.
Finished them last night.

I didn’t know who Lena waithe was so googled her and I did enjoy master of none and the Chi which she has parts in. I watched “them” unbiasedly though.

It’s really gruesome: There’s rape, lynchings, N-word, kids killed, black peoples tortured by whites. It’s not for the faint of heart. If that kind of stuff you can’t handle or you good on seeing those things, this isn’t gonna be for you. For me, although it’s gruesome, it’s real.
People on this forum screaming from the rooftops about racism, but then when it’s shown how bad it was, don’t want any part of seeing it.
After watching it, it’s not as good as US, or get out, it’s B-class horror show, I’d put on the same level as American horror story.
I think some poor reviews because the show will definitely evoke some white guilt and be too much for some.
There’s still a strong message of deep-rooted racism during the 1940s-1950s (just our grandparents generation). The bank’s, the police, the real estate agents, the settlers, the neighbors, everyone on every level were taking advantage of the black folk. It’s an important message.. that resonates with everything going on today.
Story was interesting enough to keep me watching, but by last few episodes, left something more to be desired.
It’s really gruesome: There’s rape, lynchings, N-word, kids killed, black peoples tortured by whites. It’s not for the faint of heart. If that kind of stuff you can’t handle or you good on seeing those things, this isn’t gonna be for you. For me, although it’s gruesome, it’s real.
People on this forum screaming from the rooftops about racism, but then when it’s shown how bad it was, don’t want any part of seeing it.
How does watching this benefit you or the fight against racism?
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