Amazon Prime Video Thread :

I absolutely hated season two. Too juvenile. Weird contrast with the profanity and killing. And all the childish teenage nonsense.
How the hell was Britannia an amazon show season 1, then becomes an epix channel show in america for season 2, and for season 3 is a skytv network show? I did the free trial for epix because I wanted to watch season 3 and they don’t even have season 3 which already finished airing.
I think the final season of The Expanse starts December 10. Was in the reddit earlier and mentioned I didn't like last season and already hurt someone's feelings. Last year was pretty much most of the subreddit not liking the season and dorks being mad at us.
How the hell was Britannia an amazon show season 1, then becomes an epix channel show in america for season 2, and for season 3 is a skytv network show? I did the free trial for epix because I wanted to watch season 3 and they don’t even have season 3 which already finished airing.
How many episodes have aired?
How the hell was Britannia an amazon show season 1, then becomes an epix channel show in america for season 2, and for season 3 is a skytv network show? I did the free trial for epix because I wanted to watch season 3 and they don’t even have season 3 which already finished airing.

Short version: Amazon bailed after Season 1, Sky went it alone for Season 2 as a Sky exclusive, Epix partnered for Season 3, which will be available in January (no idea why).

Epix has streaming rights to the first two seasons, even though they weren't involved with the production of either.
I looked it up just now. All 8 episodes of season 3 are available in the UK in Sky channel app / ondemand. Episode 8 airs on the network October 12.
How the hell was Britannia an amazon show season 1, then becomes an epix channel show in america for season 2, and for season 3 is a skytv network show? I did the free trial for epix because I wanted to watch season 3 and they don’t even have season 3 which already finished airing.
Well it's a British show.

So it probably always had all 3 seasons on skytv or at least they usually do cuz they partner with others to make shows sometimes.

Amazon and Epix are basically American importers so they get stuff later. Amazon is bit more of a premium so they'll get it first once they see a show is more popular until they ditch it

Completely fell off the show when I saw Amazon didn't have s2 a d I was getting Epix through Amazon anyway for other shows. I'll just wait until the season is over.
jeff bezos could buy the uk if he wanted. Also had to check if Hunters was cancelled, read we'll get a season 2.
@storm2006 Nouss Nouss
I just finished Tell me your secrets

Glad i stuck with it, show was dope. So many scumbag characters. Mary Barlow was pretty fascinating to me. Obviously she was a grieving and desperate mom but the way she would cross the line to being a freaking lunatic was wild. She looks like she used to be a DIME in her heyday.
The cop falling in love with Emma so fast was a stretch lol
It’s happened two or 3 times that Tell Me Your Secrets has popped in my head, like I’d vaguely remember it but couldn’t remember the name of it, I’d Google for it and couldn’t find it, had to look up this thread. Seems like one of those shows that gets lost and forgotten about. Hope they make a s2 though.
Exactly, I breezed through the first 2 seasons but had to give up half way through S3. I heard S4 was good so I wanna watch it.
Exactly, I breezed through the first 2 seasons but had to give up half way through S3. I heard S4 was good so I wanna watch it.
S1 was great, I only toughed out s2 because I really liked s1 but I definitely didn’t enjoy it. Then when s3 was so bad I was done early lol
Yeah, the season after that Latina Mayor made me stop with Goliath :lol: Like hard stop.

It was on a good run but lost steam.
Enjoyed S1 well enough but quit somewhere in S2, just got really uninteresting. Kinda the same trajectory Sneaky Pete took.
Really enjoying Invincible compared to other comic book related things out there right action or animated
Just reiterating several months back. Can't wait for this to return.... The only comic book related thing I have enjoyed in some time...
Invincible, The Boys and Umbrella Academy are only super hero joints I'll watch regularly.
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