Amazon Prime Video Thread :

Yeah first episode had a lot of convenient tropes to move the story forward. Still thought it was good though.
The drone pilot parts are interesting. When he brought that couple back home with him, I thought they were gonna take his money or manipulate him for military info but the guy from oz was just a ****hold.
Ima check out Jack Ryan this week ...they need to bring Hand of God back tho , too many things unresolved
Enjoying the show so far. Suliman’s wife can get it and so can Halpert’s girl.
The character is too much of a righteous dweeb. The way he was acting in turkey, you’d think he didn’t know the cia isn’t full of dirt themselves.
Wow so the guy is the most wanted terrorist at the moment and all over the news and pilots and a custom official are just like welcome to america.
I’m about to start watching Jack Ryan is season two of goliath any good ? The first season was greatness the second season is getting mediocre reviews.
Ep 6 was gold Jack & the Turkish criminal road trip :lol:

Jack Ryan season 1 was good better than i expected
Finished the season in one day, good season. I do hope Wendell Pierce is in S2.

Goliath S2 had a big drop from the first but i still enjoyed it.
Wikipedia already has the cast for season 2 listed. Noomi Rapace is in it playing a German agent.
Hearing good things about my boy Jim in Jack Ryan. Gonna give it a watch next.
I'm five episodes in and really enjoyed so far. It does fall victim to some TV tropes but the characters are compelling and I like the story so far.

To be honest, the best character is Suleiman. I really like that didn't make him a two dimensional "death to the West", "I hate America because they have freedom" type character.

There really are Americans who think that Islamic countries hate us because we have freedom, watch MTV and wear blue jeans, etc. I'm not saying that I side with terrorists or Justify their actions, but America's hands aren't exactly clean and these people have legitimate beefs in some cases.

Making Sulaimon a fully fleshed-out character that you can sympathize with makes the show 1000% better IMO.
It’s no secret that drone strikes / air strikes have killed civilians before. But our country doesn’t get punished for it and sometimes our government will say sorry.
but America's hands aren't exactly clean and these people have legitimate beefs in some cases.
I would say in MOST cases, nearly all, that they have legitimate beefs.
I mean, “we go over looking for weapons of Mass destruction”.....Here safe on “our” land we chant “kill the terroists”.....Military “fights the good fight”, while Innocent civilians are killed, US Military suffers it’s on deaths, causing Societal collapse abroad all while we are probably out planting new poppy fields or stealing oil or some **** so we can continue to fuel our “own War on Drugs”. Who knows with America, about to get on the show now.
I don’t know why I thought Jack Ryan was Jack Reacher.

My Prime Video app had Jack Ryan.
My Roku does not.
Yooooo this first ep's approach to this :lol:

Greer is basically Bunk in this :lol: His facial expressions and way he talks to Jack got me dying

The approach to Sulieman is good. Show has predicts me tv trips but the take on him reminded me a bit of Homeland the first 2 seasons with Abu Nazir.
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Messed up but genius. It did not hit me at all he'd Trojan horse them.

Besides it was a curable strain of Ebola anyway.
Love Mrs Maisel. On episode 9. Should be done with season 2 tonight. I’m in love with Midge. Something about her.
Finished Jack Ryan yesterday. I enjoyed it overall. Suleiman & his bro, their backstory into their current lives was :pimp:. Was WILD to see how clean cut of a person Suleiman was prior to his turn.
Is this thread dead or was it combined with the Netflix one. Not nearly as much action in this or the Netflix thread. I do enjoy Man in the High Castle and Bosch, however it got knocked down on the priority list to watch.
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