Amazon Prime Video Thread :

With a bunch of no name new actresses I didn't recognize and it semi looking like female Lord of the Flies so I was a bit unsure on it.
The Wilds is the goods.
On episode 8
I'm not sure if there has ever been a show where I've changed who I like as characters as much as I have this one.
That **** was crazy. Posted about Inaros in another thread

Yeah, I legit dismissed Inaros as the next antagonist despite knowing he was planning something since last season but what he pulled off here was crazy impressive.

The Belters did appear to be high level assassin spies all of a sudden but it was still dope and makes sense since the Mars squatters became corrupt and started dealing tech to them.

These one of those times where they show what the terrorist does first and you want to pass him off as an evil villain and be done with it given the amount of ppl that died but what he said had a lot of similarities to other struggles and rang true.

If only they had listened to former president Chrissy.
Yo y'all watch out on checking out Sylvie's Love on Prime if you don't want to get your blood pressure high.

This evil witch got pregnant, didn't tell the man, married the next man who knew it wasn't his, let the daughter think that was her father, never really loved dude, and even after cheating on husband with the baby daddy never told him.

Love me some Tessa but damn I'd be less forgiving and bark on her much harsher :smh:

Im really enjoying this season of the Expanse so far.
Yeah I like that they haven't gone sci-fi with things yet
How the **** did any of y'all make it through The Wilds?

This broken white girl depressed and whining over a guy she tricked in to committing statutory rape is unbearable and so deplorable.

Whole time I'm hoping she is t narrating all of the eps cuz then I'm out. Only the ending had me a bit intrigued to keep going cuz of the lil twist.
I gotta keep it a hunnid, these past few eps of The Expanse have moved slow. Need the pace to pick up. Wonder if the Roci crew will even reunite this season.
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