America now a battleground? Vol. Your rights are gone

Wasnt it something last year yall overreacted to and cried about and then forgot about?
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by quik1987

I don't think people understand how serious this is.
I will Paypal $10 to anyone directly affected by this legislation. That's how not serious it is.
It affects you too smart guy.
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by quik1987

I don't think people understand how serious this is.
I will Paypal $10 to anyone directly affected by this legislation. That's how not serious it is.
It affects you too smart guy.
No it doesn't. Just like the Patriot Act doesn't affect me. None of this stuff directly affects me. Therefore, I don't care.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I will Paypal $10 to anyone directly affected by this legislation. That's how not serious it is.
It affects you too smart guy.
No it doesn't. Just like the Patriot Act doesn't affect me. None of this stuff directly affects me. Therefore, I don't care.
ignorance is bliss
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I will Paypal $10 to anyone directly affected by this legislation. That's how not serious it is.
It affects you too smart guy.
No it doesn't. Just like the Patriot Act doesn't affect me. None of this stuff directly affects me. Therefore, I don't care.
yet here you are.
What a coincidence that this comes right after the Occupy movement.
When it was all about the Tea Party, where was all this?
This isn't the first time in the last ten year habeas corpus has been suspended to deal with "outside" American threats. I am all for people staying up on topics that concern their future, but really, Everything will be everything in the end man. You need to worry about making yourself a better person, taking care of your family, and just generally taking care of yourself. If you do that, you will be fine. Lot of knowledgable people on here though, it's just nowadays, people are itching for an apolocalypse that just isn't coming guys. I'm not trying to offend anyone nor argue. I respect all of the posts here. Just my opinion, it I'm wrong. See y'all on the other side lol
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by devildog1776

The world is going into a state of emergency within the next 12-18 months... Just be prepared for anything and everything. This one world government isn't going to come by easy and they know it. Yes most Americans are so caught up in pop culture, sports, and whatever else is popping on TV that they don't even recognize the setup that's occurring.

-troops coming home to continue the war on terror
- eurozone being bailed out
- Russia and china lurking at sea backing Syria...
- occupy shut Down mad quick

Once this holiday season has passed we will see things turned up. A crisis is around the corner, just don't get caught slipping

I need links on where you found this info 

watch an alex jones documentary about the new world order and he talks about all this stuff
alex jones drops a lot of info on his daily show which i go through myself to verifiy most of the times.....

I cant say where i get my conclusions from, its just my analysis of things...

alex spoke abou these things 10 years ago and everybody called him crazy....

"william cooper" was that dude .. he got poppe for knowing too much

GOOGLE ; william cooper
From his wiki Cooper just seems like another paranoid old conspiracy theorist. He said that communism was going to take over all 50 states-is that the truth he got capped for? Alex Jones is not an academic, and imo is not a credible source of info. It's very indicative of his interests when every 15 minutes he's telling people to buy his CDs and what not. That doesn't mean he's entirely wrong-things are messed up in a very real way. But his analysis and perspective is just so extreme-there are many more balanced sources of info out there.

I'm happy to see people taking more of an interest in this legislation. But a lot of your fears I'm seeing are really unjustified, because the changes enacted in the legislation have been going on for a while now. That doesn't mean it should be taken lightly. Just that we should've taken exception to this crap a while ago. Greenwald explains:

Third, I haven’t written about this bill until now for one reason: as odious and definitively radical as the powers are which this bill endorses, it doesn’t actually change the status quo all that much. That’s because the Bush and Obama administrations have already successfully claimed most of the powers in the bill, and courts have largely acquiesced. To be sure, there are dangers to having Congress formally codify these powers. But a powerful sign of how degraded our political culture has become is that this bill — which in any other time would be shockingly extremist — actually fits right in with who we are as a nation and what our political institutions are already doing. To be perfectly honest, I just couldn’t get myself worked up over a bill that, with some exceptions, does little more than formally recognize and codify what our Government is already doing.
There have been smaller changes but i have to disagree with this writer.... the Proposed Bill just completely takes it to the next level
Originally Posted by FeedTheEgo1982

This isn't the first time in the last ten year habeas corpus has been suspended to deal with "outside" American threats. I am all for people staying up on topics that concern their future, but really, Everything will be everything in the end man. You need to worry about making yourself a better person, taking care of your family, and just generally taking care of yourself. If you do that, you will be fine. Lot of knowledgable people on here though, it's just nowadays, people are itching for an apolocalypse that just isn't coming guys. I'm not trying to offend anyone nor argue. I respect all of the posts here. Just my opinion, it I'm wrong. See y'all on the other side lol

I agree 100% with this
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

From his wiki Cooper just seems like another paranoid old conspiracy theorist. He said that communism was going to take over all 50 states-is that the truth he got capped for? Alex Jones is not an academic, and imo is not a credible source of info. It's very indicative of his interests when every 15 minutes he's telling people to buy his CDs and what not. That doesn't mean he's entirely wrong-things are messed up in a very real way. But his analysis and perspective is just so extreme-there are many more balanced sources of info out there.

I'm happy to see people taking more of an interest in this legislation. But a lot of your fears I'm seeing are really unjustified, because the changes enacted in the legislation have been going on for a while now. That doesn't mean it should be taken lightly. Just that we should've taken exception to this crap a while ago. Greenwald explains:

Third, I haven’t written about this bill until now for one reason: as odious and definitively radical as the powers are which this bill endorses, it doesn’t actually change the status quo all that much. That’s because the Bush and Obama administrations have already successfully claimed most of the powers in the bill, and courts have largely acquiesced. To be sure, there are dangers to having Congress formally codify these powers. But a powerful sign of how degraded our political culture has become is that this bill — which in any other time would be shockingly extremist — actually fits right in with who we are as a nation and what our political institutions are already doing. To be perfectly honest, I just couldn’t get myself worked up over a bill that, with some exceptions, does little more than formally recognize and codify what our Government is already doing.
wiki is not going to show you 1000's of pages of classified documents from 40 -50 years ago... 

alex jones may sound extreme to those who arent familiar with what he's saying but he speaks truth.... because he slings CD and DVD's that doesnt take away from the hard work he puts in to deliver this news... I actually heard about the bill through Alex as soon as it was in motion... 

William cooper got popped because he knew toomuch and was on the verge of finding out who is really apart of the SYNDICATE

no links as actual reading is required... 
Originally Posted by aThievinGenIus

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by StonedFace

It affects you too smart guy.
No it doesn't. Just like the Patriot Act doesn't affect me. None of this stuff directly affects me. Therefore, I don't care.
ignorance is bliss
None of this stuff directly affects me. Therefore, I don't care.

This "sheepish" (hate the term but not really sure how else to describe it) is exactly what is wrong with society.  Just so we're clear, this effects every American.  Whether or not you choose to acknowledge that is something else.

Also, please paypal me $10, because if this goes through I will be unable to freely voice my opinion on the failures of my government, while also being 100% safe from some type of legal convictions.
i kinda wanna just get abducted by an alien ship and call it a day to escape this madness. i'll holla lightyears away
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

So don't be a terrorist. Problem solved.

You're ripe for a FEMA Camp.

Cooper was hating on Alex Jones real hard back in the day. Old man couldn't hang with a young motivated guy.
If there has to be a bloodbath then let's get it over with - Ronald Reagan

Mess me with all the tired cliches and 2012 bull
Disclaimer, I'm not politically astute or active at all but help me understand. I'm not trying to go against the current but this
    • (1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.
      • (2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.
    seems really clear cut. Anyone who aided/abetted the 9/11 attacks and anyone aiding/abetting/associated with Al Qaeda/ Taliban. 
    Will it really be as easy as just saying "he/she is a terrorist" and then a black van comes out of nowhere and snatches them up? Once again, I'm really asking.
that is what court is for.

you understand people have falsely called the police on neighbors following all the 9/11 racist propaganda and nonsense.

and now the government has the right to hold these people indefinitely because they "might" be a terrorist.

they also might not.

innocent until proven guilty, due process its crazy anyone can argue in favor of this.
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