American Apparel: Our Search For The Best Bottom In The World Has Concluded! **Am i Late?

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

#4 shouldve been #1

Yeah, number four is probably the best. Number one was still a nice pick.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

no black chicks= American Apparel: Our Search for the Whitest bottom in the world
this thread HAS been made before, and it went on for a pretty long period of time....


im not even mad that you made a new one.. you're late, but you know what they say "its better late, than never"

this repost gets a bravo
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Notice how most of these bottoms are in flattering positions making them look plumper right? One leg forward. Bent over with chest damn near parallel to the ground. Boy shorts. Anything that makes a butt look phatter.

Take a normal backshot of them standing straight up to determine how phat they are. Most of them wouldn't qualify. Not a back side angle because we know those white girl illusions can get us thinking they are phat but if you look from behind they are flat as a tv screen

But there are some nice ones in there. I won't fake. The majority are impostors though.
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