An idea I just had about time travel

Apr 7, 2008
So I'm playing Final Fantasy XIII-2, and it deals with time travel, which got me to thinking...

If time travel were possible, wouldn't we have visitors from the future by now? In fact, wouldn't there be visitors from the future all throughout time? What I mean by that is, if a "time machine" was ever invented where you could travel back and forward to any point in time, wouldn't we have had visitors or at least a single visitor from the future for as long as the universe has been inhabitable? If that's the case, I think it's safe to say that a time machine will never be invented... However, it would be extremely hard to prove weather or not there have been travelers, but there are clues that may lead to the answer being yes, but before I get into that, I want to add a couple things...

I am familiar with the concept that if a time machine were invented, you could only go as far back in time as when the machine was actually invented. If this concept is true, then that would mean that the second a time machine is successfully crafted, our world as we know it could completely change almost in an instant due to time travelers traveling back in time. Imagine...

I'm sure I'm not the first person to have these thoughts, and I'm certain that if someone were working on a time machine, they would have had these types of thoughts before they got into it, so obviously, this would be something that would be kept under the highest secrecy. Such a machine could mean the end if the universe (literally) in the wrong hands. So what if it has already been invinted? What if we actually have been visited by travelers from the future and even the past for years now? How would we know if it were kept under strict secrecy, as it should? What if the UFO's that we see are "time machines"? What if the ET's are us from the future?

So about the clues I mentioned at the end of the second paragraph, there are a few objects that have been found here on earth which seem completely out of place geographically and time wise.

I havent read through this site really, but I'm somewhat familiar with a lot of the things they have posted, and I think it will set a good example for the point that I'm trying to make. Take a look and decide for yourself...

what about that dude that shot the president, McKinley i believe it was, and they found a quarter on him with a future date and a man's face on it that they did not recognize. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these events have occurred. 

At Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York, on October 29, 1901, Mr. Czolgosz was placed in an electric chair and electrocuted until death did occur.
Among his effects when his cell was cleaned out was a U.S. quarter, stamped with the year 2218. The face on the quarter wasn't George Washington but instead - was an unknown face that is yet to be identified.
This theory came out in a recent History channel special

it also includes the idea that the typical alien image known by most are humans which have changed through time, evolved

it really makes sense
time travel-

the ultimate reason why there is a decreasing middle class is because the rich and powerful found a way to manipulate time. They have stumbled upon this new innovation and withholding it for their own personal gains where the rich only help the rich. While they are predicting market trends, technological movements, and social needs, we the 99% are left with producing income the old fashioned way
time machines are wayy too powerful...i don't think we would notice the future visitors, i'm pretty sure they've prepared to avoid detection at all costs
If time travel were possible, wouldn't we have visitors from the future by now?

Wow, you just thought of this? This was probably asked 5 minutes after the very first time someone brought up the concept of time travelling.
maybe because right now, in this timeline, the future does not exist, yet, so a time machine hasn't been invented. but when the time comes and a machine is created, i think every time a person travels through time a parallel universe would be created.... uh, man i forgot where i was going with this,
Figure out your position on whether or not they exist. THEN we can have a discussion on the matter. Your first paragraph states they can't exist, and then you spend the last two saying that they do.

Didn't click the link, but just because things seem out of place doesn't mean they are. We have no full account of everything or everyone that was here before us. "Winners write the history books." Quote applies in some context to this statement.
Originally Posted by rice boy 45

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by tee eye ehm

Pass that! 

I knew this would be the first response, followed by about 10 more of these.
Pass that!

I got next! 
On the real though... what if they come back everyday
. If they're smart enough to make time travel I'm sure they'd be smarter than we are. We aren't looking for them. So how would we know?
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what about that dude that shot the president, McKinley i believe it was, and they found a quarter on him with a future date and a man's face on it that they did not recognize. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these events have occurred. 

At Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York, on October 29, 1901, Mr. Czolgosz was placed in an electric chair and electrocuted until death did occur.
Among his effects when his cell was cleaned out was a U.S. quarter, stamped with the year 2218. The face on the quarter wasn't George Washington but instead - was an unknown face that is yet to be identified.

IF we did have visitors from the future, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tell us, as it could possibly alter the time they came from.

Speakin of time travel, there's one thing that alwasy bugged me about BttF2. Why was old Marty suprised to see, young Marty? Would he be expecting to see him. Its already happened in his mind. Off topic, I know.
Example of time traveler? Jesus Christ.

In any case, time travel is an iffy have to go into different dimensions after the time traveler interacts with people, as anything will change the course of that specific timeline.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

IF we did have visitors from the future, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't tell us, as it could possibly alter the time they came from.

Speakin of time travel, there's one thing that alwasy bugged me about BttF2. Why was old Marty suprised to see, young Marty? Would he be expecting to see him. Its already happened in his mind. Off topic, I know.

Wouldn't you be shocked yourself if you were in that position?   
 I mean yeah, it would be expected...but it would still be shocking
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what about that dude that shot the president, McKinley i believe it was, and they found a quarter on him with a future date and a man's face on it that they did not recognize. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these events have occurred. 

At Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York, on October 29, 1901, Mr. Czolgosz was placed in an electric chair and electrocuted until death did occur.
Among his effects when his cell was cleaned out was a U.S. quarter, stamped with the year 2218. The face on the quarter wasn't George Washington but instead - was an unknown face that is yet to be identified.


i dont understand why people even discuss time travel as realistic possibility. theres definite entertainment value in it of course

think about, if i go back in time 50 years no one would be there. we arent constantly making copies of our selves like timestamps.

to assume time travel is possible is to also assume that there is past version of you that exist for every single second you have ever existed as well as for the future where you have yet to exist.
you can go alone and take the concept of time travel and say the reason no one has announced themselves as being from the future because of what can happen.

what happens if you go back and time and buy bumping into someone or altering a single thing can drastically affect the whole future.

Lets take Abraham Lincoln as an example, he freed the slaves, and was a great man, yes, BUT what if in a different universe he was never assassinated, he was never taken out, he let all that power go to his head, he became a dictator and everything fell into shambles, the future saw this, came back in time and looked at the time line and decided this was the best point and time to take him out, right before his rise of power, but not after his contributions.

the same can be said for any natural disaster, any assassination, any global event.

people from the future are coming back to dictate the future they seem fit, some of you are going to say, well how do they know whats going to happen? well they dont, then again they can keep doing it over and over again till they get to a point and time where they like and seem fit for the direction given.

for all we know we already lived tomm, but the powers that be didnt like it, or it was such a global event that they needed to change it for the time being.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

what about that dude that shot the president, McKinley i believe it was, and they found a quarter on him with a future date and a man's face on it that they did not recognize. Stuff like this makes me wonder how many of these events have occurred. 


Probably a mechanic
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