An oldie but a goodie-the best music video ever....

Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

if we only had ppl who didn't deem it necessary to point out forum etiquette every chance they it a major faux paux to be posting video's of hot chicks in the general forum? because i'm pretty sure everyone is watching this video for the song...
You mad? You gonna cry?
dayum i watch this with no sound bc im at work and dayum would i tell ya..lovin it..thanks for sharing.
Some of y'all never heard 'Call on Me' before? Really?

Anyways, dance music videos are notorious for casting dimes...
Originally Posted by Baltimore

Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

if we only had ppl who didn't deem it necessary to point out forum etiquette every chance they it a major faux paux to be posting video's of hot chicks in the general forum? because i'm pretty sure everyone is watching this video for the song...
You mad? You gonna cry?
nah homie actually you the one that's mad cause i posting broads in the general time i'll make sure only to post my girl dilemma's and picture's of boy's for you. Salty +@! people in the general forums these days needing to point out everything smart +@! kids these days... !!!% here
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