Feb 22, 2007
I was watching the Celtics vs Nuggets game on ESPN. Jon Barry was talking about how bad the Northeast division is. He went on to name all the bad teams....New Jersey, Toronto, Philadelphia and the NY N^$$@ Bockers

What? The N^$$ @Bockers never heard of them

Obiviously it was a slip. He's not racist at all.

Did anybody else just hear this? And he definitely said because I have DVR.
I'm watching the local broadcast so I don't have to hear Jon Barry.

If true, vid?

I have it on DVR. It happens at 5:21 in the second quarter. The score is 47-40.

He's ranting so its a slip

"N^@@#bockers please"

but there was a time back in the day in NYC when they were referred to as the @@$%# bockers
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly


I have it on DVR. It happens at 5:21 in the second quarter. The score is 47-40.

He's ranting so its a slip

"N^@@#bockers please"

upload it on youtube and then post the vid on NT...
and if you're reaching....
Man I dont know how to upload it to youtube!

I rewinded it with my girl and she's was like
. He definitely said it.

But seriously its no big deal. Any White dude that played in the NBA that long isnt racist AT ALL.

Just a slip....he's has to talk nonstop
op, did you know they were the knickerbockers?? or did you just think they were just the knicks?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

op, did you know they were the knickerbockers?? or did you just think they were just the knicks?
I dont think he knew they were called the knickerbockers...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

op, did you know they were the knickerbockers?? or did you just think they were just the knicks?

Yes I know they were called the Knickbockers. I'm not 12 .
 He definitely said N^@@% Bockers.There was no Ick sound it was a neg sound.

They'll be some tech person who's a Celtic or Nigget fan who can figure how to upload it to youtube. It's at 5:21 in the second quarter on the ESPN braodcast. The score is 47-40 Celtics. Its right after Kevin Garnett made a free throw. Jon Barry is ranting about how bad the Northeast division is.
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