And this is why people get shot by the police....

Lionblood and this other guy are dripping with privilege. Arguing with the blind and hateful is pointless.

I'm privileged, only an a hole would deny it. Still doesn't change the fact that I'm making good points. People are always looking for a scape goat instead of addressing issues that truly plague their communities. Its all part of the plan.

Do you really think the problems in these communities begin and end with its inhabitants?
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Yep further demonizing police is sure to help. People just want a figurehead and a face to all their problems. Thats another reason you people are so selective about what you March for. McDonalds and poor living conditions probably played as big a role in killing that man. White and black do not breathe the same quality of air. Protest that. People just want a face they can attribute their problems to, like Satan.

Just change your name to WARTHOGBLOOD. Aint no lion in you B.
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:lol: @ Your use of 'you people.'

Im really starting to believe that this narrative is just burned so deep into some of you guys' brains that you don't even realize what you're doing in distracting from an issue that we clearly need to fix.

What does McDonald's and poor living conditions have to do with officers killing black men on the street regularly? And when and where did you get the idea that people aren't outraged and protesting about things like healthier eating choices and better living conditions in these areas.

All your post does is dilute the point and distract us from the topic at hand.

It is what it is, though. You're clearly not going to change your opinion because you're so far removed from what's happening on the ground and aren't willing to take the time to consider other scenarios and opinions.
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Once again, what are we talking about exactly.

I had this issue at least 10 times while discussing this with my best friend who I've know for more than have my life and is also a police officer.

At so many points I saw us arguing topics that have absolutely nothing to do with an officer using excessive force, and a move that is banned in the NYPD's handbook on video.

But we want to talk about Eric Garner's eating habits. Eric Garner is not the first black man to be killed on these streets for no good reason.

We have a problem in this country. And until we address it, it will continue to be a problem.

Doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.
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