and we're done

it doesn't sound like hes a sore loser, it sounds like he probably shouldn't go on social media websites because a bunch of scumbags wanna bait him into saying something

i hate lebron but im not gonna start sending him messages by twitter.

it isnt a good look but im not upset by it. he can say what he wants
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Novak played just a little bit too much.
that 3rd quarter he got exposed. switched on the screen, Wade layup.

i thought the Kidd, Shump, JR, Melo, Tyson lineup was good, but only saw that in the 1st half.
and Stat couldve played more.

overall, not a bad game. defense needs lots of work. and need to get the ball to Melo early in the shot clock.
Im blaming Novak for that game before I can ever blame JR at least he hit some big shots

Novak did nothing besides give the Heat momentum.

I Think Melo was just bothered by injuries. So even after this lost I ain't scared of the Heat. No matter what those flopping analysts have to say. The really beat themselves.

I also know STAT will play more than 22 mins in the playoffs and he was doing his thing yesterday
I'll be at the game tonight ^__^ 2 rows from the floor.

I'll be sitting next to my cousin who is from NY also lol so this will be good.

Should be a good game fellas.
Why kill the guy that played 12 minutes? And he was +6 during that time anyway.

We want to beat Miami - there's no room for error by being lazy or letting emotions get to you.

Carmelo wants to be elite and win at an elite level, the little **** adds up. LeBron makes very few mistakes and capitalizes on others - you can not start out 15 feet ahead of him in transition and lose him while he gets to the rim for a dunk. You also can't stand around like Melo did on the LeBron drive to make it 95-91. Most critical part of the game and Carmelo isn't helping off (off of Wade of all people! - if it was Ray Allen in the corner, by all means stick with him..but Wade?) to stop a drive nor is Chandler sprinting back. Or the put-back after the block on Chandler when he stayed on the floor for a few seconds leading to an offensive rebound on the other end. Or the lazy JR pass at mid-court. 3 of the best players on this team took turns acting like ******** late.

Can blame Novak or Jason Kidd on other nights all we want, or James White or whoever - it'd be great if Novak and Shane Battier changed places yesterday. It also would have been nice if the best players on this team took ownership in all aspects of their games like the other team had going for them.

This team plays a style when they're at their best that lends itself to jumping on Miami and even burying them if things really are rolling - but if they're required to dig in and match Miami possession for possession - I'm a little worried. But they have their work cut against potentially Boston and then Indiana to see them again - and those will be games/series where every possession gets magnified - so we'll see what they're made of well before then.

I will say that James White crap makes no sense. If you felt you were headed this way anyway with Kidd - why the hell are you selling off Brewer for nothing? He might not have been very good but he sure as hell can step and be better in that role than James Freaking White.
If you don't see just how much Novak messed up our chances yesterday I don't know what to tell you. I don't care about plus minus stats. Or how many minutes he played. He was a gigantic part of what got the heat that win. They attacked him every time down the stretch. Wade obviously knows he can't do anything to him

Melo isn't as good as lebron and doesn't have the conditioning or freak body to be. That's never going to change. He isn't as smart on the court either.

I wish the team would stop complaining. They need to run back. But it must be frustrating playing against someone who is so good PLUs is aloud to hold your arm down to get a block. Gotta be maddening.

At the beginning of the year I said we don't have enough shooters. And I think that's the main thing honestly. More than our lack of composure even. Team can't shoot for ****.
He left the game when the Knicks were up 77-68 and never came back. When did he turn the game in Miami's favor?

I accept Novak for what he is - somebody who can come in, space the floor and maybe get hot. I'm not getting upset about him not being able to guard Wade for 2 possessions in the 3rd quarter.

Blame JR and Woodson on that loss. No one else.

Actually I think Iman should be taking a lot of heat lately as much as anyone. He's just out there - does not impact the game AT ALL.
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He left the game when the Knicks were up 77-68 and never came back. When did he turn the game in Miami's favor?

I accept Novak for what he is - somebody who can come in, space the floor and maybe get hot. I'm not getting upset about him not being able to guard Wade for 2 possessions in the 3rd quarter.

Blame JR and Woodson on that loss. No one else.

Actually I think Iman should be taking a lot of heat lately as much as anyone. He's just out there - does not impact the game AT ALL.
Probably on offense. Defensively he was all over the ball.
I think he played pretty good defense on Wade. Forced him to be passive (hence the 7 asts in the 1st half). He's slowly getting his step back, i'm giving him a little more time. If he's not atleast scoring 10ppg in the next 10 games then we have a problem.

I think the ideal lineup against the Heat in the 4th quarter should be Kidd-Shump-JR-Melo-Amare. We need 5 scoring threats out there against them in the 4th.
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Actually I think Iman should be taking a lot of heat lately as much as anyone. He's just out there - does not impact the game AT ALL.

at least shumpert has a legit reason for sucking. But honestly on defense he has been better every game since the all star break

I don't know why Amare didn't play down the stretch. That one is a puzzle.

I wonder if martin plays significant minutes in the playoffs and if camby comes back
We lack shooters and players to create their own shot but refused to trade someone who is crippling the team on the court at times on offense (sometimes on defense as well). Individual players should not be blamed, this team as a whole has to shoulder what is happening. They are EXTREMELY lucky that the teams below them are so inconsistent. The upcoming stretch won't be kind to the type of lazy, whiny, half assed ball that we are seeing from them with 13 or 15 on the road. Instead of laying on the floor begging for calls (something most of you abuse other players when they do it but are silent when your Knicks do it) you need to get back on defense and do your complaining at the next timeout. There's no excuse for that.

Even if this perceived notion that Miami gets every single call their way/Melo and the Knicks never get calls is true, they should prepare for it rather than cry for fouls during the biggest stretch of the game. As Allen has said, this team has done nothing to deserve or earn what it thinks it should. The sense of entitlement gets very old very fast for a team that can barely win a playoff game, let alone a series. The first half COTY should be able to control this team.
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Attended the game yesterday and had a great time watching my fav player(Lebron James) go up against my home town team..Would like to go to another game before the season is over.You guys know when playoff tickets go on sale?
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so blaming Novak is a problem?
-he walked Wade to the rim 2 times in a row during the 3rd
-didn't help out on defense
-had good looks, but didn't hit any shot
-had a rebound stolen away from him

so basically, he didn't do anything productive yesterday.
Novak is my dude and all, but 12 minutes of being a 'threat' is no bueno.
granted Woodson subbed him in during the Heat run in the 3rd (horrible decision) so i guess you can blame him too :lol:

also, Felton complains wayyyyy too much
Too much Novak talk, not enough about Melo following up a 24 points on 8 shots 1st half with 8 points on 3/11 in the 3rd & 4th quarters.

Raymone locks him up, Woody has his thumb up his *** and shots aren't falling in like they're supposed to. Game slows down, Miami comes back and wins. The end.

Let's talk about Kyrie returning tonight after 3 games off due to injury and how he's gonna set a new career high playing hurt vs. the Knicks...just like he did last time.

**** us.
I think you guys are being too critical of Novak. We all know what he is and I think he knows as well. The real person to blame is Woody. If Woody asks Novak to play at any point in the game, what is Novak going to say? "No, I don't think i should come in coach. I might **** things up."?

If Novak is in the game, we need to seriously run a zone or something, because i'd rather have Miami shoot the ball than drive past Novak when he's on the floor.

Felton deserves some blame too. Dude complained all game long and didn't get back on defense during critical moments of the game. That Battier 3 on the elbow was devastating for us.

Tyson complains too. He needs to stop with that ****.

Melo needed to help out on JR when he had Lebron on him. I get that you have Wade on you, but I'd rather let Wade beat me than Lebron.

Lets not forget about Woodson either. He showed us again the arrogance he has when it comes to his rotations. IDK why he let Kidd stay in the game as long as he did. We needed size and defense at the end of the game, and we stuck with JR and Kidd. At that moment we needed to keep Shumpert and Amare in the game.

Finally, JR. Dude was just an absolute mess yesterday. The funny thing was, he had a decent game too :lol:

It's just that the mistakes he made were just so critical. Turns the ball over, takes bad shots in bad moments, and let's Lebron go right by him to take a 4 point lead.
Yesterday Novak was looking like a shooter scared to shoot.

He pump fake, got by his man then pump faked again then passed it.
Melo did play some lazy defense yesterday. There were several plays were he chased a guy around the perimeter but then didn't contest once the shot went up. He needs to stop it and commit.
A role player in limited minutes is rarely the cause of a loss.

Tyson being lazy
General issues with their focus and maturity
The focus, maturity, lack of composure. Those are clearly the intangible problems.

But strictly basketball, I don't think we have the offensive weapons to beat them in a 7 game series. They have 2 super duper stars. We have 1 and he's worse at defense and finishing at the rim. Then amare and bosh cancel each other out.

They have 2 amazing shooters. One who can play defense and take charges

We have a shooter that can't shoot againt playoff teams and plays worse defense than amare. And a good role player who makes dumb decisions on the regular

their point guard is just as effective as ours if not more in certain situations.

Doesn't even account for refs or coachng

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I think people are mad, because we had the game in our hands, and Novak single-handedly gave the Heat a 7-0 run. There's attrition...there's losing in measures...and then there's watching one scrub put on the other team's jersey for a couple minutes.

That's what happened last game, so it's real easy, and not even out of line, to blame Novak for that back and forth and back and forth.

But yeah...this was a real team loss.
Just about everyone from the top down helped to lose this game.

We took a big step forward yesterday, but showed mad weakness and instability at the same time. :smh:
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