and we're done

Anything that comes out of Tina's titts is 100% fact. I believe you baby.
Real talk, last night I had a dream that the Knicks were using ra's al ghul Lazarus pit. :lol: it was a pretty stupid dream. But the Knicks were dominating like crazy lol
Look at bright side, at least we don't play in the western conference Ramon. Brooklyn losing last night at home by 13, those boys are just not good enough. They may take the AD crown because of our injuries and schedule, but they cannot see us in a series.
true. nets probably can't see us in multiple games, but we haven't played well in a bit so it's gonna be a quick playoff appearance for us if things don't change
Listening to the Stephen A Smith show and he questioned how do you gain weight from having a finger injury, talking about Felton. Just looked at the halftime show and noticed man he has gone back to fatboy status again...
Now people are saying Kurt Thomas might have suffered a stress fracture in the foot yesterday. He's heading to NY for further tests.

This is the risk we took signing all these old injury prone *** vets but I need to read NikeTalk's rules....when is it gonna end?
When it rains, it ******g pours.
*in Knickland.
Why can't Felton just be skinny tho? Dd he really gain weight during those 3-4 weeks? Haha, oh man.

Now JR's mind is playing tricks on him and he thinks knee injuries are contagious. This team is is hilarious. I wish we had one of those behind the scenes shows like the Lakers and the Nets have.
Tomorrow we find out that Tyson Chandler is and has been paralyzed for the past month, but the medical staff just didn't know, for whatever reason.
Never would I have imagined that we would have such a decimated roster this season.

Just feel like we just ain't meant to have success
Tomorrow we find out that Tyson Chandler is and has been paralyzed for the past month, but the medical staff just didn't know, for whatever reason.

This **** made me laugh out loud

and I'm so tired of hearing about Felton's weight. I don't give a ****. D Will weighs more and I never hear **** about his fat ***
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