Anonymous...things just got real?

Cool it. They could be watching.

They are watching. They have been since the OG deep web thread.
Yes, they are. 
srs. We got DDoS'd around the same time as Sneaker Talk last year. Anons or divers had to be responsible, they were knocking sites off randomly around that time. Not sure if Meth ever came out and said they identified the people responsible.

They were keeping tabs around the time of the first deep thread. Its known in circles on the web/IRC that NT increased deep web traffic and caught a lot of attention for it.

Dudes think anon is all nerdy basement dwellers. There's shoe heads and hypebeasts and car heads and misc members... Hector turning into a snitch should have shown people anon has no real face. These dudes are literally everywhere.
^^someone break all that down for me
The britam thing?

This is what the hacker did

  1. Hello,

  2. I'm JAsIrX and I will share with you some documents downloaded after hacking Britam Defence server.

  3. Its website is located on the Malaysian server. I found bugs in the website with same ip and uploaded web-shell through this site.

  4. Then I hacked plesk parallels control panel and gained access to Britam Defence mail accounts and website directory.

  5. Leaked documents:

  6. -       Contracts copies with signatures

  7. -       Private email correspondence

  8. -       Personnel data, etc.

  9. Britam Defence is British private military company, operates mainly in the Middle East. It killed Arabs in Iraq and plans to invade in Iran and Syria.

  10. Look through leaked documents carefully. CW means chemical weapon, g-shell is short for a gas shell I guess.

  11. Help to distribute this info and let other people know about the threats.

  12. Thank all
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It seemed like they have access to a war head and will unleash it to cause collateral damage

reminds me of terrorism.... Same principle. I doubt they would go through with it but interesting nonetheless
Anonymous does not harm the general public. No ones safety is at risk, at least from anons. The terrorist label is based on fear mongering via news outlets and FBI press releases. I'm labeled a "sympathizer to a hacktivist organization" in my file.

Why would they kill the very people they're getting arrested trying to help?

Before anyone references the Sony thing.... That was Lulzsec in collaboration with the good ol Federal Bureau.
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Anonymous does not harm the general public. No ones safety is at risk, at least from anons. The terrorist label is based on fear mongering via news outlets and FBI press releases. I'm labeled a "sympathizer to a hacktivist organization" in my file.

Why would they kill the very people they're getting arrested trying to help?

Before anyone references the Sony thing.... That was Lulzsec in collaboration with the good ol Federal Bureau.

I understand the over use of the word

just found it to be similar to those groups wanting to bring attention to their cause (whatever it might mean).

Im all for positive change... even if it requires drastic measures (no deaths)
Highly overused. A freedom fighter to hundreds could be a terrorist to millions and vice versa. The label terrorist is given to hacktivists because they're terrorizing the system. They're trying to upset the order. The big guys get scared when someone could potentially bring about change so they destroy from within, like with Hector and LulzSec.

I'm definitely for non violent change. The bad thing is no one is really ready for that change. I know I'm not. We're at a standstill and I don't see it changing anytime soon sadly.
That’s why he’s letting the temperature rise on the protests to deflect from the release of the lawsuit
srs. We got DDoS'd around the same time as Sneaker Talk last year. Anons or divers had to be responsible, they were knocking sites off randomly around that time. Not sure if Meth ever came out and said they identified the people responsible.

They were keeping tabs around the time of the first deep thread. Its known in circles on the web/IRC that NT increased deep web traffic and caught a lot of attention for it.

Dudes think anon is all nerdy basement dwellers. There's shoe heads and hypebeasts and car heads and misc members... Hector turning into a snitch should have shown people anon has no real face. These dudes are literally everywhere.

That first NT Deep Web thread around 2007-08 actually moved the needle? Like nationwide?
What are we talking about here?
Have u guys read the court documents for trump and Epstein written in exact detail what the president and Epstein did to that 13 year old girl. ?

This is the basic summary

Deposition notes from the alleged sexual assault of a 13 year old released by anonymous. Trump and Epstein told this girl that they would get her modeling career. Trump had met this girl three times before and Epstein then invited her and other minors to his New York residence for a party. They were promised various modeling contracts.

On the fourth encounter after the party, Trump exposed himself to the girl. He then held down the 13 yr old and forcibly raped her. She begged him to stop but he slapped her and told her he could do whatever he wanted.

After the rape he told the girl that if she ever told anybody, he family will be killed.

Epstein had met the girl once before. The second party he grabbed the girl and raped her anally and vaginally. She cried and he tried to punch her in the head. He was angry at the girl saying to her” I should have been the one to take your virginity not Trump”

She broke away and ran and he continued to issue threats against her family and that they will be killed if she told anyone.

Her deposition
i watched that epstein show on netflix. theres no way, trump does not know whats up. theres a high probabality he partook in those activities too. bill clinton, that prince, the lawyer. all of those guys.
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