anonymous vs westboro baptist church

It's kind of ironic that in this instance they're fighting for religion or whatever...yet use the statement 'we are legion'...which derives from scripture in Mark 5:9 when Jesus was exorcising a demon from a man...Jesus asked the demon it's name and it responded 'We are Legion.' Interesting.
Whatevs though, I'm ready for war.

The word legion isn't necessarily a demons just means a lot...
I really think Anonymous was created by the US government for the sake of showing people that not EVERYTHING is f***** up.

I was thinking the same during the video, but maybe we do have hope- if all power is in data then we have the power(the people ) through groups like anonymous-

Civil war- that caught me off guard- treason was on my mind when the shooting happened and I felt it was a setup to violate our 2nd amendment.

this radio station got both the main chick from WBC and a representative from Anonymous to talk about the alleged Anon messing with WBC I think that's OP's video.
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