Another girl problem NT. Need advice from the best

If he aint smashin her and you are, I would care less.

But I would watch dude and make sure he keeps his distance, and make sure that "friendship" is really a friendship.
Just tell her straight up that you don't fell comfortable knowing that they are still friends while her ex still likes her.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Get off her back. Let her be cool with the dude, until you have some sort ofevidence that he's %%$**#* her, Why sweat it? You think he's that much better than you that he could steal ya girl?
.. By you telling her "I don't want you to talk to the dude" itjust makes you look over protective
Telling her who she can and can't be friends with is a very bad idea...she will feel like you're trying to control her life and dump you.
Honestly, just talk to her about the situation.. choose your words carefully though and be mature about it.
What do i tell my girlfriend who insists on being friends with her ex? I'm pretty sure this dudes gay cause 90% of his friends are girls,
...maybe he's a player?

if she can be "friends" with her ex, you can be friends with yours. see how she reacts to that. relationships are meant to be equal so if she can,you can as well.
You can't control other people. If it really makes you uncomfortable, all you can do it let her know that. She will do with the info what she wants. Somepeople can be friends with ex's with no problem at all. If there is no bad blood between them then why shouldn't they be friends? You need to relax.
My girl is also friend with her ex and the thing is they were friends before they dated and like grew up together so although I honestly don't feelcomfortable with her talking to dude, I just let it go and give her some space cuz if you don't she will end up thinking you don't trust her but thenagain do you trust her?
good looks NT
and yeah i do trust her, and ive told her how i feel about it, but this kids putting up away messages about how he misses her and !%+!. The kids just pissingme off. But i might as well become friends with my ex again
if anything keep a eye on him. son is wilding. and check YOUR girl, cuz if anything she'll be the one choosing.
Originally Posted by ReeceMan10

If he aint smashin her and you are, I would care less.

But I would watch dude and make sure he keeps his distance, and make sure that "friendship" is really a friendship.
I'm now convinced most females have lost the part of their minds that give them common sense and balance.Of course any working relationship has to havetrust but damn people run wild with that issh nowadays.Why does she continue to be cool with him on that level if she knows how he feels?But def. check homeboybecause he flying a little too freely.
haha had a problem like this, except when i told my ex to not talk to her because i felt really uncomfortable, he lied to me about it... like ten times.
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