Any Authors in the Building?

Sep 19, 2012
Hey NT Fam, do we have any writers in our midst?

I'm currently working on my first ever novel. One of which I think has epic potential.... 

Anyway, I just wanted to see if any of you guys enjoy writing as much as I do or even drafted your own book?

How long did it take you? What's it about? What did it feel like after you finished? (That's what she said.)

Feel free to share and promote all you want haha.
Aight real quick, since you asked, I've (self) published 2 books so far, one's called "Fresh Uncensored Critical Knowledge for Your Life" and it's a book of jokes about life pretending to be a self-help book. The other's known as "What to Expect when You're Expecting (the Worst)" and it's a guide to accidentally knocking some chick up, as well as generally otherwise being what it sounds like. (Both are available in eBook and print form in my store and Amazon. *smile, thumbs up*)

In case anybody cares, I also have an e-soapbox known as (undermyfitted...), but that's something my sig can tell you more about.

Anyway, writing a book isn't the hard part, depending on how concrete your idea is. Getting it on paper is just the beginning tho, there's also the editing, the revisions, finding a literary agent/publisher (itself its own process and a half), the editing, the editing, and then once you're done editng again, you have to figure out how to market your work, especially if you go the self-promo route. Maybe marketing is your strong point, maybe it isn't, but you're definitely gonna have to do some if anybody who doesn't know you is going to buy it.

I'm not gonna lie, publishing is a cold world. You could be Billy Shakespeare 2k12 and you're still going to field enough rejection letters for a rejection alphabet if you go the traditional publishing route. However, now's a better time than ever to do it yourself, with tools like print-on-demand sites (as many books as you need when you need it) and eBooks, which cost literally nothing to produce. Like I said, the only problem with that is that it's just you and word of mouth to promote your book...which can get frustrating fast.

That all said, it is a rewarding ******g feeling when you finally get your book published, whenever somebody buys it (people are paying money for the contents of my mind!), and especially if you're lucky enough to get a positive review from a reader. That's a rush, man...I imagine it's the same feeling a funny looking chick gets when somebody pumps up their head because of an oddly angled picture they posted online.

I get the feeling that you actually do enjoy writing tho, so if you read everything I just said and still want to go for it, you damn sure need to. Feels good to create, feels better to get paid for it. I can give you any of the little knowledge I have, so any further questions you got, go ahead.

I'm monologuing tho...good luck with the novel, bruh...synopsis?
I just heard about NaNoWriMo the other day. I could never do something like that ahahaha
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