Any Boost and/or Clear 4G subscribers??

Mar 11, 2002
So Sprint just sent me my termination letter for using too much data. 
 Second company in two years to do it. ATT got rid of me last year. With Sprint I TRIED to do the right thing. I paid for unlimited, PAID for their hotspot feature when I could have easily hacked and gotten it for free, but no, I still downloaded way too much. Their loss, I was a great $120 a month customer who always paid his bill on time.
My plan of action, I'm having someone flash my EVO 3d right now to work on boost. No longer 4g, but unlimited everything else. I really only need 3g on my phone since I only really listen to music. So thats $50 a month there. Then I'm going to buy the Clear 4G router for my house. I have great 4G coverage where I'm at so thats not really an issue. $45 there. 

My monthly bills get cheaper and I still technically have the same service as Sprint.

Any words of advice from anyone here that has Boost or Clear or both? Anything to watch out for? Any major issues with either one?
I have boost and since I paid on time for a year, my unlimited everything plan costs only $40 a month and after 6 months it will drop to $35. I have no complaints but I am far from a phone wiz. It works great as a phone and for the internet, which is all I want.
quit tethering and get a real isp for your computer usage. problem solved.

Obviously you didn't read what I wrote. I PAID $30 extra for the tethering option, on TOP of my data plan. I wasn't trying to get over on Sprint by any means. I don't have Comcast for tv so their internet is about $70 a month after promotion and I'm not home enough to take advantage of it. I also want the ability to take my internet with me, like I said I'm not home a lot. I also have a summer house that I want internet in. 
For Clear, but prepared for your service to be turned off before the bill is actually due. In a 30-day month, be on the lookout between days 25-27.
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