Any Firefighters or EMTs on NT???

Jan 13, 2004
Hey to any fire services people out there, I was wondering what the rigors were as far as getting certified as an EMT and then getting hired onto a departmenton a full or part time basis, specifically if you're not majoring in emergency services.

I'm aware it varies from state to state but I'd like to get a picture of what it takes, what I need to do, etc. Thanks!

Edit: I'm in Illinois, but may move to Arizona in the next year.
like sports, being an emt is about muscle memory and knowing how to react on the fly in a stressful situation. depends what type of area u work as an emt, if uwork in a city, u are more likely to respond to car crashes, stabbings and other trauma situations. if u work in a quieter environment like some suburbs, u aremore likely to respond to health emergencies like heart attacks and strokes. also, some private ambulance companies only pick-up and bring them from theirelderly homes to their dialysis appointments. depends on what you want to do.

as far as the learning process, you learn how to manage the situation. ur job is to manage the problem until something more can be done - most of the time thatmeans bandaging the wound and getting them to the hospital as fast as u can so the ER surgeons can remove the bullets. training consists of classroom lecturesand hands-on practice with all the equipment. the certification process usually consists of a written test and then a hands-on test. some companies/departmentsmay have a physical fitness test

being an emt is a customer service job - u encounter people at their worst and are there to help them. when u pick up the passed out homeless drunk puking onyou, remember that u are there to help him. if u work well with ur hands, like to write reports, can remain calm under pressure, and are interested in helpingpeople, its a good career for u
im cert. EMT and Firefighter in state of Florida.

emt class wasnt very hard, just as long as you study and are dedicated.

fire standards was pretty tough, but fun.
alottttt of book work, and alot of physical demands.

in FL emt is the pre-req to getting into Fire standards class.

as far as getting a job, its hard as hell down here, ive been trying to get on with a department for about 8 months now, no luck.....

150+ people applying for one position opening.

if you are a paramedic, it opens up more oppourtunities down here, but it changes up your field slightly....its more pay as well...

good luck though.
I work in a hospital and I see a couple of HS buddies that are firefighters and EMT's. In CA its tough to get in. I had another buddy that was going forthe firefighters, but there are hundreds of people applying for one opening, he ended up becoming a sheriff. The firefighter I know went to UC Davis, got a jobdown in Fresno, and finally landed a job back up in the Bay, where we are from. The EMT went to school for a couple years and works for AMR and goes all overthe bay. That wasn't as much schooling, but its not as much pay either.
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