Any NTers done a body cleanse?

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

I have a diet/nutrition question and I don't want to create a whole new thread.

everytime I attempt to eat healthy and drink nothing but water and somewhat healthy food, a week into it my mouth becomes incredibly dry.
chapped lips and canker sores.

I drink 3/4 of a gallon a day so I'm wondering what the hell is up.
google didnt come up with much other than "water diets" might cause this, which is not what I'm doing.
could be a million things. your sodium/water balance might be off.  When you are attempting to eat healthy, are you smothering your food with salty sauces?  are eating processed foods that claim to be FF or light?  maybe you aren't getting enough fat in your diet. there could be a million different reasons, the only way to pinpoint a cause would be to to a dietary analysis on everything you consumed every day for a week.

This website has a food tracker on it. there tons of other ones but this will suffice.
I don't believe any of these cleanses / detoxes.  I know a lot of them force you to only drink some weird mixed drinks.
You're basically starving yourself and giving yourself the runs with all those liquid meals.  You might as well just take a laxative and empty yourself out.  Nothing will make you feel better than eating cleaner.  Diets, cleanses, detoxes are all temporary.  Healthy eating is better for you.
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

thoughts on keto?

or protein/fat/carb intake?

Keto works if you dont have a problem eating a lot of fat.

tried it for about a week, i dont like eating a lot of fat so i was really really tired.
look up youtube OP. There's people that did em. Some people when they do cleansing they fast

This lady did it for awhile like 120 days.
Why cleanse if you are going to drink and eat red meat numerous times per week? Not you OP in particular just in general.
i have and it worked wonders.


My co-worker tried it and lost 20lbs and i thought $$#+ it why not, lemme try it. I tried it for a whole week and lost 15lbs. A whole week of not eating! I thought i'd never do that. EVER! Its been a week since I was off it and i feel great. i'm starting to eat better. I'm gettin compliments left and right. I even got a couple of friends who are gonna to try it. OP, I *$@+@$!@ you not, take a look on the website, read up and if you think you ready for it then give it a shot. All I ask is to make you have a good diet planned by the time you finish so you can keep the weight you lost off. Oh yeah, and hit the gym too.
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