Any NT'ers have glaucoma? Suspect for one =x


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
Im a suspect for one and I have to return to the doctors next month to get tested once more.

They said more than likely I probably have it 

Supposedly I lost some of my peripherals already

How much is the medication for it? I know there's no cure and you can only treat it.

Any insight? 
how did you notice? any family members who have it?

ive read through web md and the treatment depends on the cause of the glaucoma (eyedrops or operation) and the amount of peripheral vision loss. im sure your doc will be able to tell you as soon as the work up is finished. hope all is well fam
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how did you notice? any family members who have it?

ive read through web md and the treatment depends on the cause of the glaucoma (eyedrops or operation) and the amount of peripheral vision loss. im sure your doc will be able to tell you as soon as the work up is finished. hope all is well fam
I went to get new glasses and when checking my eye she found something wrong with my optic nerves.

she told me to go to a more official eye doctor place (dont know the correct term for these doctors)

so basically i went and the doctor said something is weird with my optic nerves and I also failed a couple tests.

but she wants to make sure so she told me to come 3 months later which is next month. I believe she said my kind was the one where you

take eye drops but I could be wrong.

and thanks, praying I dont have it but im actually pretty sure I do.... strange feeling.
sorry to hear dude.  hopefully it doesnt progress any further.  i've been a suspect for years.  they monitor it every 6 months or so, making sure my field of vision and nerves stays the same. 
when I use to have to pay out of pocket medication would cost a couple hundreds like 2-300, and I think up to close to 500 at one point. The meds would also "throw me off balance." Also make sure you keep up with your meds, keep your stress down and hopefully you don't have the degenerative type (meaning the type regardless of treatment you'll still eventually go blind .. I can't remember what its called)
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