Any one into poetry? Official poetry thread possibilities...?


Oct 15, 2012
Thought id take a shot in the dark...

Its hard to find/nearly impossible to find urban/Niketalk-like sites that give much attention to written art forms, such as poems, short stories, poem/rap verses, etc...

I find this to be my number 1 hobby at the moment, and been this way for a minute...

Anyone else write, and im not just talking about rap/hip hop/r & b verses... talking all areas of the artform?
Where's ILoveHipHop when you need him.

But I like reading poetry sometimes, I suck at making original poems though, I'd give it a shot though if this would be an official thread.
just search there are plenty of poetry forums. I joined one in particular which is pretty cool. the premise is you comment someone they comment back on your works. Won't share my work via NT though
ill give those a listen soon...

If anyone is down to post some stuff they have written lets do this...doesnt have to be a be a huge "success" post wise...just something for those who write poetry or just anything expressive in general ...

Ill post something im working on later tonight.
Here fam. of the dao.pdf

A wood before my house
Provides some shade in summer.
In season South winds blow
To tug my coat open.
I revel in my solitude:
Calligraphy, music delight me.
Vegetables thrive and the barn’s
Full of last year’s grain.
I want for nothing, needs
are few. I husk millet
to make myself sweet wine.
My child plays by me,
Babbles and tries to speak.
Pure joy in all of this.
I forget rank and wealth,
Watch white clouds drift away,
But yearn for the past.
I hear sounds
Melancholy melodies, Chimes scream
Sweet sounds drown
Black cat, Sinful tactics
Rats from sewers, The curbs a curse
Why you think thugs look lonely?
Even with a clique, Each got a chick
They call each of their girls a "*****"
I ain't perfect, I've done the same
But I try not to 'cause I was raised by women
Siblings weren't right, But thats life
They left, I remain, Fighting addictions
Now you know why I began this piece without peace
Manic activity, For that i loath
Ok, I put that **** in my nose
I am human, I am human...I suppose?
If I justify my actions, Why can't i forgive others?
**** that, Too hurt, Too stubborn
"If it wasn't for others, I'd be different"
As a baby boy, Couldn't stop my smile
But I grew through tension, Wild

Adolescent lessons
Grown man confessions
This world drives me insane
I don't know
I just don't have a clue...

Just something i wrote a couple days back...I'll probably finish the one i'm working on now a little later tonight or tomorrow

I dont follow a specific form/guideline(s) ... It just gets put down how i feel it should at the time ... Most of the time i do 1-5 word lines in  a long almost listed format, but some in the past have told me it makes it difficult to read, so i write it out that way, then put it together as i did above...
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Here fam. of the dao.pdf
A wood before my house
Provides some shade in summer.
In season South winds blow
To tug my coat open.
I revel in my solitude:
Calligraphy, music delight me.
Vegetables thrive and the barn’s
Full of last year’s grain.
I want for nothing, needs
are few. I husk millet
to make myself sweet wine.
My child plays by me,
Babbles and tries to speak.
Pure joy in all of this.
I forget rank and wealth,
Watch white clouds drift away,
But yearn for the past.
Didnt check out the link yet, so is that yours?

Nice if so
she stays because she's a masochist

it's for that reason that she'll never leave

a blow to the face to her is soft like mist

this, for some is very difficult to believe

the amount of pain she's been through would take a long time to list

the joy she finds in pain will be reduced to her being naive

some random **** i threw together.. i know, it sucks.
she stays because she's a masochist

it's for that reason that she'll never leave

a blow to the face to her is soft like mist

this, for some is very difficult to believe

the amount of pain she's been through would take a long time to list

the joy she finds in pain will be reduced to her being naive

some random **** i threw together.. i know, it sucks.
Na, actually the message you're getting at is real intriguing... if you took more time writing this and getting more in depth it would be hot...could be real deep if you work at it

Thanks for adding
she stays because she's a masochist

it's for that reason that she'll never leave

a blow to the face to her is soft like mist

this, for some is very difficult to believe

the amount of pain she's been through would take a long time to list

the joy she finds in pain will be reduced to her being naive

some random **** i threw together.. i know, it sucks.
Na, actually the message you're getting at is intriguing... if you spent more time going in depth it would be hot...  it could be a real deep piece... i'd like to work with what you put down and add my own twists lol

Thanks for adding
I hear sounds
Melancholy melodies, Chimes scream
Sweet sounds drown
Black cat, Sinful tactics
Rats from sewers, The curbs a curse
Why you think thugs look lonely?
Even with a clique, Each got a chick
They call each of their girls a "*****"
I ain't perfect, I've done the same
But I try not to 'cause I was raised by women
Siblings weren't right, But thats life
They left, I remain, Fighting addictions
Now you know why I began this piece without peace
Manic activity, For that i loath
Ok, I put that **** in my nose
I am human, I am human...I suppose?
If I justify my actions, Why can't i forgive others?
**** that, Too hurt, Too stubborn
"If it wasn't for others, I'd be different"
As a baby boy, Couldn't stop my smile
But I grew through tension, Wild

Adolescent lessons
Grown man confessions
This world drives me insane
I don't know
I just don't have a clue...

Just something i wrote a couple days back...I'll probably finish the one i'm working on now a little later tonight or tomorrow

I dont follow a specific form/guideline(s) ... It just gets put down how i feel it should at the time ... Most of the time i do 1-5 word lines in  a long almost listed format, but some in the past have told me it makes it difficult to read, so i write it out that way, then put it together as i did above...
good ****, bruh

really felt that last one, ballonboy
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In my every awaken hour
I sit and wait
awaken for a reason
contemplating for answers
that answers with questions.
Broken concentration,
realizing I wasn't awake at all;
just dazed deep in my solitude.

I tried. :/

the cool breeze blew by me, stopping me in my tracks
seeing a hazy vision of a woman dressed in black
no smile on her face, just her eyes on the prize
her stare was death itself, and so i realized
she indeed came for me, waiting in his behalf
looking at me dumbfoundedly, with a maniacal laugh
teasing my lips with the wish of something eternal
a silence everlasting like Baphomet's funeral
who art thou and why art thou playing this game
if thou be my conqueror.. i need to know thee by name
for thy left me for dead... speechless and hollow
descending to this depths... the flames and the sorrow
she tied me up and blew a kiss to the wind...
i whispered softly by her ear.. is this because i've sinned
she never wept... she never screamed... never looked in my direction
straight to her deed... never promised my salvation
answers drenched in blood... i'm starting to drown
drifting from a lie... spiraling down


lo and behold, the machines of god
the sentry stands before me, covered in my blood

eternal sorrow's in his eyes, mocking my existence
what more is left to keep? my life is of no relevance

a punishment made in flesh, a harrowing truth
to never know death, to forever remain in youth

to creep and to crawl, for the soul to be damned
weeping for mortality as time passes like sand

to the gates they sent me, my journey starts
life in eternal, bleeding from the heart

days gone by, and as they pass time moves quicker
my body never ages, but my soul remains a sinner

to live and know love, was not of my variety
cursed by my own pride, lost in my vanity

and then you came to me, bright as a star
you looked me in the eye and never noticed my scar

your desire flowed in me, i thought this must be heaven
but you said, we both sinned, it's been cast and has been written

you need not to see me, you need not to care
i just need for you to listen, to always be there

your heart i can't take, for i knew not who resides
such a fool to think that i've always been in your eyes

who does? who did? fools aren't we all?
a wandering fool, whose heart has gone to fall...

i have nothing to offer, your dream i am not
i'm a writer, you're my heroine, and thus i end this plot


it was raining...
i just had a bad day at work...
the earth seemed cursed ...
and so am i...
"raindrops kept falling on my head..."
maybe the gods were weeping for me...
i needed a drink...
my throat was dry as the mojave...
it silently begged for some alcohol...
my doubts needed to be quenched by lilac wine...
these sudden realizations must be washed away...
this gift...
my destiny...
my curse...
i had to forget...
these demons presented horrors upon my mind...
thoughts of failure began to terrify me...
a drink...
i needed it pretty badly...
across from where i stood was an old pub...
it was badly lit...
but it would do...
i shivered as i approached the pub's door...
an old man was sitting by the entrance...
he stood up and approached me...
"my name is Charon, welcome to THE STYX... kindly proceed to table 4" he whispered...
the old man looked creepy...
filthy by me eyes...
but i had no time to be picky...
my mouth's just too dry...
i approached the table the old man spoke of...
the table in the corner...
table 4...
he had to be wrong...
the table was already occupied...
4 men...
playing chess...
they all stood up as i approached them...
one by one i recognized their faces...
the latter came to me and said...
"What you are now we used to be; what we are now you will be..."
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idk how i got into it but i wrote like 30 of these. heres one

Running from the past but its inescapable
Scream at my legs but words are incomprehensible
If only this short burst of speed was extendable
It appears in my mind frequent, its irrepressible
I know my past actions are far from commendable
Probably should of grabbed my pride by the mandible
But i didn’t, and at the time i felt invincible
Heartless, what a life, man it was incredible
My heart had a sign that said inaccessible
Tried to swallow my pride, but it was indigestible
Feelings were nothing, just something unattainable
Not a care in the world, living with no principle
I had a certain thirst, and it was unquenchable
When it came to breaking hearts, i was a professional
Wanting to change, its like I’m expendable
If only my prior words and sentences were hypothetical
But now i see things clear, three dimensional
No longer 2, maybe.. I’m repairable?
For Goodness sake watch out for the fake

they go towards your face and try to erase

everything you make and when that yellow tape

is surrounding your place its no escape

except for the pearly gates im going thru

a journey of faith looking for the god

I know its a facade im going to sleep like ramada

with a nice view, henny with the ice cubes ladies with 

the nice moves, we in our own heaven

life is plesent, living for the present

wasting these seconds, short lived sentence

still its a hard transition when you run on fumes

and the gas light is blinking, the god you missed him

new lives intentions, Sunday mass its a given

yet we Invision a place of forgiveness

We go to church every Sunday 

so we can have fun every other day. 

I sometimes pray at night for things to get better

yet i dream of random h o e s getting wetter

what type of s h 1 t is that?

when you tryna do good but the devil takes you back.

im stuck in position that few knew, broke dead and blue

its not an excuse, yet i use them to view a truth that ain't true.

I look at myself 22 and full of youth.

One cant be happy forever because death is imminent 

One cant be in love forever because death is imminent

What type of s h 1 t is that? 

Don't judge me by the mistakes i've made but by the 

steps i've made to retake a new place in this great 

maze we call existence. You paint a picture in mind,

you best believe it better be Dali or Vangoh

Living with pain, but the art remains

if only we knew what we left behind

Love and pain...only two things that stand

with sands of time. So love who you love

help who needs help

Teach and preach...and in the end the grass is green

and the sky is blue...I dont know nothing but maybe you do.
Ill comment on some of those ive read a little later. good work...Here's something new...

A Hell of a Sight

The ink from my pen extracts a trail

A maze, depraved images

The caves, the depth of blemishes

Demons crawl atop semen covered walls

Blood wrapped pit, backdrop black sky

Tree roots unfastened from land

exposing the fresh flesh of those buried

Breath sucked from their guts

Souls enslaved

You can hear the squeals and the shouts

as emptiness corrodes the insides of hunger

This leaves one to wonder

Should we be dying to live, by any means?

‘Cause this is all that awaits…

Boiling liquid, the waves ablaze

stretching vertically, crashing with anger

Snakes draped around limbs

The witch glides by, cackling

She can’t even feel the steam below

The devil is alive, he doesn’t even take his time


I seen those Yeezy’s burn, How’s that feel?
hmm.. don't write poetry myself but there's some interesting stuff in here. i'll def be checking this thread.

here's one of my fav quotes on poetry btw:

"I say that one must be a seer, make oneself a seer. The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigious, and rational disordering of all the senses. Every form of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he consumes all the poisons in him, and keeps only their quintessences. This is an unspeakable torture during which he needs all his faith and superhuman strength, and during which he becomes the great patient, the great criminal, the great accursed – and the great learned one! – among men. – For he arrives at the unknown! Because he has cultivated his own soul – which was rich to begin with – more than any other man! He reaches the unknown; and even if, crazed, he ends up by losing the understanding of his visions, at least he has seen them! Let him die charging through those unutterable, unnameable things: other horrible workers will come; they will begin from the horizons where he has succumbed!"
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