Any Other Guys Here Have Long Hair?

Sep 4, 2009
imma cut it once i graduate from HS, will post pics if thread stays alive, nh

Smashed a biddie once cause she said i look like jacob black
I cut mines earlier this year. 2 years growing

Long hair is too much work and money.

make sure u really want to cut it, u gonna regret it mass if u don't
some times I miss my hair when I see other *@@@!# braids and pony
Originally Posted by Moneyright

imma cut it once i graduate from HS, will post pics if thread stays alive, nh

Smashed a biddie once cause she said i look like jacob black

PICS or it didnt happen. . . .you're asking for pics and you didnt post your own
Also, i have thought about cutting my hair too, but there have been so many people telling me that they regret it so much

Take forever to regrow and then there's also the ugly stages of growing out hair
I know for a fact there's a lot of NT'er with long hair. single braids, braids, and long hair in general.

I'll post pics if this thread takes off.
when i was starting off, i used some cream called, perfect for perm, grew mine pretty quick, i stopped using after my hair got long enough for a ponytail
I've always wanted long hair, especially dreads, that doesn't work for Asians though. Longest my hair got was about 3 or 4 inches in length, that wasabout 8 months of growing too, my hair grows too slowly.
Made a year of growing it the other day, most women do like it but there is always the select few who are trying to get me with the shears.
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