Any Other Guys Here Have Long Hair?

I've tried growing it several times this year but can't take the ugly stages
so i just end up giving in and cutting it and feeling 1000x fresher afterward lol

i'm gonna give it another go though, but we'll see i have a feeling i won't last

in HS it was quite long though
Originally Posted by ANDROOOW

Originally Posted by Moneyright

imma cut it once i graduate from HS

my homeboy planned on doing this.
3 months later, still growing.

a lot of people plan that after hs cause they think they made it intothe real world

but my former highschool friends mom paid him to chop the dreads off for graduation.

I plan on going back to the buzz cut after I can donate my hair, most likely after graduation(from college) when I can get a bike
Almost 8years in the game. It gets old, probably cut it soon. +%%#+ gettin heavy, and just becoming OD work.
i grew mine out for 1 year and 8 months, then buzzed it clean. ill do it again, i missed it
5 months is the longest I've ever gone without a haircut.

I looked like Lou Ferrigno/Wolverine.
Currently rocking braids...

If you keep them neat, with a line-up and your braids are long, they females will love them no doubt.

But if you don't.....
I went 9 months, but so many of my female friends were telling me to cut it... I did and my barber messed up
. Now I have this cut I'm not happy with. I'm going to cut it all offand grow it out again soon.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS


i came in here to post that lmaooo
Going on a year in October.

I get compared to every soccer player with long hair ever. It's worth it after those initial 7-8 months of wackness.
had mine over two feet long for the past 12 years and i cut it a year ago. so im starting it back up. i do have the pony tail hanging on my wall.
Originally Posted by elpurepecha

had mine over two feet long for the past 12 years and i cut it a year ago. so im starting it back up. i do have the pony tail hanging on my wall.

am I the only one that thinks that is extremely weird?
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by elpurepecha

had mine over two feet long for the past 12 years and i cut it a year ago. so im starting it back up. i do have the pony tail hanging on my wall.

am I the only one that thinks that is extremely weird?

no. so dude has a lock of hair on his wall!?
dude donate that.
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