Any Programmers on NT?

How is Android more stressful? Is it because of the fragmentation?

And why  is Apple more profitable?

Fragmentation, and I hear Apple provides tons of tools for their Devs to ensure their is uniformity among other things.
Android is easier to get started/less stressful. That said I wouldn't attempt it until you've got Java down well.

As far as older languages still being used, you can't just rewrite entire systems written in a language. You have to maintain what's already there.

Swift works side by side with Objective C if I understand correctly. I was considering Java and Android just because Java could come in handy for other stuff outside of app dev. I work in Software Dev currently but not in a role where I need to code. I haven't coded since HS, but reading code and the logic side of things isn't tough, just need to get the syntax down for which ever language I decide to go after.
Swift works side by side with Objective C if I understand correctly. I was considering Java and Android just because Java could come in handy for other stuff outside of app dev. I work in Software Dev currently but not in a role where I need to code. I haven't coded since HS, but reading code and the logic side of things isn't tough, just need to get the syntax down for which ever language I decide to go after.
A big part of Java is the syntax is easy to grasp and you don't have to deal with pointers. Android is something good to get into as well. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Android but it's not because of fragments. I'm still learning fragments but I have a good professor who's helping the class work with them and provided the source code to an app he made using fragments as an example.
Sorry if this is a totally different topic but I was wondering if anyone had experience with junit? For my current job in QA, we're required to learn automation to get to the next level. For my background experience, I have taken codeacademy just for javascripting but other than that, I'm clueless.

Any help would be appreciated!
C was actually the gateway language for me. It made picking up Java, Assemply and Matlab fairly simple. I would like to add that if you are planning on working on Android development, look to use Netbeans and Andriod Studio over Eclipse.
A lot of teams still use C++. Almost every position I applied for used C++ as the main language.
At my current position we use C++ for embedded systems programming.

To me it seems like it is better to learn Java first, but you will most likely be using C++ in the real world. Definitely learn both !

I never ran across anyone using C++ in all the projects I've done for work. I'm pretty sure the most requested language employers look for is java. You can do a search on job listing sites and see that. (I went on indeed; listing that had Java came up over 2x more than listings containing C++).

Again its still depends on what you do. I don't do embedded systems. I've worked on web applications. The amount of API's and libraries available for Java allows you to pretty much doing anything.
Junior web developer here, I just got my first full time gig out of college at a large media company in NYC. Some tips I wish I had done/known back in school:
1. Focus on Data Structures and Algorithms & master them. Intro to algorithms(Thomas Corman) is an amazing book.
2. r/learnprogramming & r/dailyprogramming on reddit are amazing resources.
3. Contribute to open source if you have time or you are willing to put in the effort. (Im beginning to dig into Firefox on the side)

The more you practice the better you get. But data structures and algorithms are extremely important if you want a job. That's all you will get asked in interviews. Also it's not more so the language but the concepts. So Object oriented programming, MVC frameworks, etc. As long as you know one you know the concepts and can pick up a language quickly. (Mobile is the exception since Android and iOS programming are vastly different.

Extra: StackOverflow is GOAT
@silkboi  right for web applications everyone is using java , but outside of web applications not many teams are using java from what I have noticed.

I am in the DC area so that may make a difference (alot of legacy systems) , but in my experience out of the countless amount of jobs I applied for I would say a max of 3 used Java primarily. Pretty much every job description list Java as a language that will be used, but when you get contacted by the team it usually isn't used much if at all. Again, this is just in my experience.

@ImaginaryOne  great post I agree completely. Its all about the concepts, companies know you won't come in knowing everything. My mentor always says "You are pretty much getting paid to learn for your first few years out of school, we don't expect you to know how to do everything".
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PHP is more standard for web development then Java. If a company is using Java then they might as well use Scala as it is more scalable then Java plus you can mix Java with it, but it depends on the needs of the company. Nothing wrong with Java as it is used for Android also.

IMO I would learn Python, Ruby or PHP with a framework if you want to be a back end web developer. C, C++ for more OS/Console programming. AngularJS or Jquery for front end development. And of course Objective-C and Java for mobile. But a mix of everything is great.
C was actually the gateway language for me. It made picking up Java, Assemply and Matlab fairly simple. I would like to add that if you are planning on working on Android development, look to use Netbeans and Andriod Studio over Eclipse.
When I tried using Android Studio, it was HELLA buggy. Couldn't even compile and run a program.
@BeezyGotSole yeah man. I bug all the senior devs to pick their brain to learn & it helps me out & I use stackoverflow all the time in and out the office. All the practice that I do daily makes me a better programmer. I wish I did more in school as I could have known even more then I do now.

@Flyeed I have plenty of time after work and I have a social life. Hours are come in between 9-10am leave between 5-6pm & can work from home once a week pretty much. I don't code 24/7 but I do have side projects outside of work because I like problem solving.
I want to hear you guys' opinion on this topic that gets asked a lot.

How beneficial is the knowledge of higher-level math to a programmer? From what I know, unless you're going to work with 3d engines, video games, and similar projects, math isn't needed so much. Moreso logic. But there are always disagreements on this subject.
Not useful IMO. My favorite line in the office is "We have PHD guys for that" :lol:

Just take whatever math classes are required and call it a day. You can pick up a math minor also to fill your upper level requirements depending on how your curriculum is. It looks good to employers also.
I want to hear you guys' opinion on this topic that gets asked a lot.

How beneficial is the knowledge of higher-level math to a programmer? From what I know, unless you're going to work with 3d engines, video games, and similar projects, math isn't needed so much. Moreso logic. But there are always disagreements on this subject.
In terms of subjects like Calculus and Linear Algebra, it isnt necessary at all but knowing the concepts and theories behind Discrete Mathematics and Statistics does help. Basically helps with the formal understanding of thinking logically to both solve and develop algorithms that could late be applied to code.
I want to hear you guys' opinion on this topic that gets asked a lot.

How beneficial is the knowledge of higher-level math to a programmer? From what I know, unless you're going to work with 3d engines, video games, and similar projects, math isn't needed so much. Moreso logic. But there are always disagreements on this subject.

I picked CIS Over comp sci cause i was straight on math. Lol but even in ny current role i dont see how math would help BAs or programmers. Im just a naturally analytical person and catch on to things quick so in school i prefered jumping right into real deal projects than all the waste of time pre reqs
Gonna check out the book
I'm a CS major myself, about to graduate in a couple of months. I tried learning c++ as my first language but kinda got confused and quit. When my major classes kicked in they had us doing a lot of C at first and that's a terrible way to start in my opinion.

If I were you I'd do what I wish I had done; learn java to start out. I picked it up on my own and now it's my best language. Learning that and c++ are both equally valuable, most employers generally require you to know one of the two.

I highly recommend the book Introduction to Java Programming by Y. Daniel Liang. It's really simple to understand and teaches you very well. It starts basic but gets into really advanced concepts that go beyond just language and encompasses the science behind software development as a whole. It pretty much summed up everything I learned in CS in 4 years conceptually. I couldn't possibly recommend this book enough. I have the 9th edition which I think is the most current. I torrented my copy which I won't recommend because it's illegal but I believe the book can be had for no more than $10, but that's a guess.

I also recommend googling problems you can work on based on the most recent subject you learned. And when you get the language down pretty well try and pick up Android dev. That will all be a great resume booster. 

If you have any CS related questions I'll be glad to help.
Not useful IMO. My favorite line in the office is "We have PHD guys for that"

Just take whatever math classes are required and call it a day. You can pick up a math minor also to fill your upper level requirements depending on how your curriculum is. It looks good to employers also.
I'm gonna get my AS in Mathematics with an emphasis in Computer Science. I could get my Physics AS as well, but I will not have finished Differential Equations by the time I transfer.
In terms of subjects like Calculus and Linear Algebra, it isnt necessary at all but knowing the concepts and theories behind Discrete Mathematics and Statistics does help. Basically helps with the formal understanding of thinking logically to both solve and develop algorithms that could late be applied to code.
Yeah, I'm not seeing anything so far in Linear that I find all that useful. I will have to take Discrete Mathematics soon and some kind of statistics clas. Not looking forward to those at all.
I picked CIS Over comp sci cause i was straight on math. Lol but even in ny current role i dont see how math would help BAs or programmers. Im just a naturally analytical person and catch on to things quick so in school i prefered jumping right into real deal projects than all the waste of time pre reqs
I wonder why it's stressed so much.  I can understand how it's needed for theoretical stuff, but I don't really want to tap into that side of the comp sci world.
@tay1  Physics is really useless for CS. Linear is only used in computer graphics its another useless and hard class , unless you are going that route.

The people that I work with have been coding for 30+ years, they don't know how to do anything calculus, stats, or linear related. They all said they haven't used any math since college.
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As a software engineer, I haven't used calc outside of the class itself. Logic is way more important and of course how to google 

honestly though, one of the most important skills I learned in college is how to google. 
 Physics is really useless for CS. Linear is only used in computer graphics its another useless and hard class , unless you are going that route.

The people that I work with have been coding for 30+ years, they don't know how to do anything calculus, stats, or linear related. They all said they haven't used any math since college.

Yea i work with people old enough to be my grand parents, and they consider me to be the actual "techie", while they pretty much just know how to code with their eyes closed.
Yea i work with people old enough to be my grand parents, and they consider me to be the actual "techie", while they pretty much just know how to code with their eyes closed.
 thats the most annoying thing about the IT field most people are 40+ years old, and stick to what they know. 
:lol:  thats the most annoying thing about the IT field most people are 40+ years old, and stick to what they know. 

Lol im not even tripping, i got into my company at age 23 while most people at my company got there in their 30s-40s so im in a good position to climb the ranks and still be young. Also my job is very laid back so it wont be a hassle when im ready to start my own business and other side hustle, i can still keep my job for its benefits and stuff.
 Physics is really useless for CS. Linear is only used in computer graphics its another useless and hard class , unless you are going that route.

The people that I work with have been coding for 30+ years, they don't know how to do anything calculus, stats, or linear related. They all said they haven't used any math since college.

As a software engineer, I haven't used calc outside of the class itself. Logic is way more important and of course how to google :nerd:

honestly though, one of the most important skills I learned in college is how to google. 

Yeah, and it's frustrating because I had to start from Pre-Algebra and work my way up to Linear and Differentials. Feels like I'm wasting my time with all this.
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