any Sex and the City fans?

My favorite parts are anytime SJP is unhappy, and the episode where her shoes got eaten by one of her boyfriend's dog. I think it was the dude from Office Space. He was an author, can't think of his character's name in the show though.
Sarah Jessica Parker still looks like a foot though.

watched a few episodes on my little sister's recommendation and found myself wondering why these four 40/50ish year old women were acting 20ish at most early 30ish.

Kristen is still pretty good looking...doesn't look anything like her actual age, but SJP on the other hand always reminded me of a female Skeletor and is just worse every day. seems like the older she gets the more pronounced and crooked her nose gets and her moles stand out and look at me like extra eyes. :/
Originally Posted by Backirvine

Originally Posted by KingJames23

The gf got me to watch it against my will, but it's actually entertaining.

I don't understand why there is a sequel everyone ended up happy.
Ah you're such a romantic. They'll be sequels as long as it continues to make money.

I really like the tv show, wasn't so keen on the film. That said I'll definitely be going to the cinema to see the new one.

I meant actually story wise, I don't know where they will go.

Of course if it makes money there will be more, sadly I've realized this.

My favorite parts are anytime SJP is unhappy, and the episode where her shoes got eaten by one of her boyfriend's dog. I think it was the dude from Office Space. He was an author, can't think of his character's name in the show though.

That was Berger(sp?).
Originally Posted by dunks87

I can't wait for the sequel i will be at the theater opening day!

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I actually like SJP she looks decent to me. The chick who plays Charlotte looks the best out of the group though

you know whats funny, i recently seen the movie, because my Gf had me watching it..

honestly i thought it was horrible. i stopped watching it when dude cancel the marriage.

and he later try to meet her in the middle of the street and sarah slapped him. i was like lol this is enough
Ive never watched the TV show but one day i watched the movie with my women at home and it was pretty good. Im not excited about pt 2 coming out nor i am gonna go watch the TV show series.
Never watched the show, I want to though.
I did see the was good but the dialogue seemed corny to me.
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Never watched the show, I want to though.
I did see the was good but the dialogue seemed corny to me.

the show is definitely a lot better than the movie. you won't be disappointed.
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