Any Wizards fans getting tired of Gil's "act?"

Mar 13, 2004
First and foremost, I lovewhat Gil brings when he is on the court. I think he's a top 15 player (possibly top 10) in the NBA when healthy. There is NOdenying what he can do when at 100%. However, it's the sideshow that goes along with his personality that is really starting to wear on me. It'sgetting to the point where I really don't care if he stays or if he goes. Let's see if you can find some of the contradictory statements....

This is from today's Washington Post

Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas has been medically cleared to return to game action as soon as he feels ready, according to a team source, but won't play tonight against the Milwaukee Bucks and remains unsure of when he will return this season.

Arenas was told that he was cleared during a phone conversation with team doctor Marc Connell on Saturday, one day before the Wizards lost to the Lakers in Los Angeles in the fourth game of five-game trip that concluded with a loss at Utah on Monday night.


then, a week and a half ago....

WASHINGTON (AP)-An unhappy Gilbert Arenas learned Sunday night that he had not been cleared to play by Washington Wizards team doctors, dashing his hopes of returning in the nationally televised game against the Detroit Pistons-or anytime soon.

Arenas took part in the shootaround Sunday morning and was so confident that he would be in uniform against the Pistons that he didn't bring proper attire to sit on the bench as an injured player.

As he exited the locker room about an hour before the game, Arenas told reporters: "Y'all don't have to write any more. I'm not coming back this year." But he reappeared during the first half of the game, wearing a tan sport coat as he took his seat on the bench.


so, what is it? He B's and complains about NOT getting the green light, but now that he has it, he isn't ready to play? On top of it all, I findit interesting that the team didn't make Gil available for comment.

then a few nights ago, he says this (unrelated, but interesting considering his stance the WHOLE season):

LOS ANGELES, March 30 -- Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas said before Sunday's game against the Los Angeles Lakers that he's willing to sign for less money this summer if it will help the team retain all-star forward Antawn Jamison, who will be a free agent.

"I want to see Antawn taken care of first and then I'll take the pay cut to keep the team intact," said Arenas, who plans to opt out of the final season of his contract with the idea of signing a long-term deal with the Wizards.

How much less in Arenas willing to take?

"That depends on what Antawn wants," Arenas said with a chuckle. "We've been together six out of my seven years so we have an understanding. We know what's in jeopardy so, you know, I told him whatever he wants, give it to him and I'll take the pay cut. I know what he does. He's a part of my success and I'm a part of his success so we have this one-two combination that works in this league. We know we make each other better. Someone has to sacrifice. This might be one of his last contracts so I'll sacrifice and hopefully I'll get another at the end of the day and if I don't, I know I did the right thing."


I mean, he was talking all summer about getting a MAX contract! This is getting ridiculous. There is nothing ordinary that surrounds this man. Look, Istill say he is solely responsible for putting DC basketball back on the map after all the blunders this franchise has had in previous years. Can thisbehavior really be that surprising? He has always been a bit in left-field ever since I have heard about him going back to Arizona. It's just beenflat-out crazy over the past couple of weeks. Everything from Young Jeezy saving his life, the suicidal thoughts, throwing a hissy fit when finding outhe's inactive, to now...going MIA when he is actually cleared to play. He said in an interview that he was over the mental hurdles of playing WITHOUT thefear of getting hurt. Does anyone understand this guy? Like I said before, I will defend his play on the basketball court any day of the week, because he isjust that talented. However, with all the distractions through the blog, his comments, and his actions, it is getting a bit old. If he stays in DC, thengreat....if not, I don't think I would be too upset due to 1) not having the distraction(s), and 2) the team being SOLELY Caron Butler's.

Wizards/NBA I justified for thinking this way?
We'll give you Mobley, Thomas and our 1st rounder for his "act".
Why do players come out and speak about contracts/money to the media, rather than just walk into the GM's office, and speak to him privately about this.

I never understood why they do that.
Originally Posted by rapsa

overrated whiner!

There's no way I'm calling him overrated....dude has put in work since he came out of Zona'. Overrated is Zach Randolph....
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by rapsa

overrated whiner!

There's no way I'm calling him overrated....dude has put in work since he came out of Zona'. Overrated is Zach Randolph....

How dare you disrespect Boseph like that....
I agree 100% with everything you said. I was looking forward to him coming back tonight, WHERE THE HELL IS HE? How are you going to throw a tantrum becausethey won't let you play, then when they DO clear you to play, you don't want to? "Like, who does that?"
i never liked his personality.....he jus seem like one of them cool weird n's.....
I just think he needs to be healthy. When he is on the court and his day to day is basketball, he's fine. When its the off season, or like this year whenhe is injured, he's bound to do, or more specifically, say anything he wants. Issue could be as small as a lack of focus to as big as bi polar, or justsomething even worse (ie the suicidal thoughts, etc)

I have tired of his blog, and his weekly attention grabbing antics, but on the court, he is the goods. So to me, bottom line, if you re-sign Twan, haveButler, get Gil healthy and from what I have seen of Stevenson he looks good, and if Young plays even half as good as he did against the Lakers, the Wiz willhave a SOLID team and do some things in the east.

But if he does get too much, then you can still move him for a couple decent peices, and build around the other 4 guys. You're in a good spot either way.
He should come to Chicago. I'll buy him some deep dish pizza.

"""The Washington Wizards say they want Gilbert Arenas back, but I can't believe it, given the terrific season they've had by playingmore a defense-oriented style without him. And with Arenas, coming off knee surgery, saying he'll opt out and become a free agent, he's the guy totarget.

He'll cost a lot, a maximum deal, but you've got to take a shot if you're the Bulls. You have to make it attractive for Washington because Arenasis one of the franchise's most popular players ever.

The Wizards would need a guard who plays defense to team with Antonio Daniels, and that would be Hinrich. They'd want some athletic front-court help, soperhaps Tyrus Thomas. I'd part with Gooden if they wanted him, or Noah.

I doubt they'd be interested in Ben Gordon, though you could look for a deal elsewhere with him. Maybe throw in that draft pick or exchange it forWashington's-teams do pick for one another.

Arenas can negotiate after July 1. And with the value of the Bulls' players substantially lower after this season, they are in poor position to drive ahard bargain to get a potential star.

The Wizards would bring back All-Stars Antawn Jamison and Caron Butler, and the improving DeShawn Stevenson.

Assuming their young big men continue developing, they would have the stars and the depth to make a real run instead of this season's wonderfuloverachieving.

Arenas might be an undersized shooting guard, but he's truly a star, with an outsized personality that would flourish in a big market.

Michael Jordan's shadow? You can practically hear Arenas saying they'll want to build a statue of him as well.

He's a scorer, a performer and a personality who can breathe life into a franchise, though you'd have to scrap that notion of a defense-oriented coachbecause Arenas doesn't do defense. It has to be up-tempo all the way.

Why not, given the personnel? Hughes had his best season teaming with Arenas, who is his close friend. With Thabo Sefolosha, Deng and whatever big guys theykeep or add they could have an intriguing team that will make Bulls fans forget this most forgettable season."""
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by rapsa

overrated whiner!

There's no way I'm calling him overrated....dude has put in work since he came out of Zona'. Overrated is Zach Randolph....

Who the rated that chump?
gilbert is top 10 player in the league prop 9 or 8... but i'd b heated to if im the star on my team and i feel and mentally strong enough to play.. but icant?!?!
The Knicks will give you Zach Randolph, Eddy Curry, and Jerome James for Gilbert Arenas and Nick Young. Also a bag of wise cheese puffs.
all forGilbert's "act".
Gilbert still hasn't come clean about the lies he told about his departure from Team USA in Summer of 2006. He says he was cut when he actually quit citingan injury. I believe it was his wrist. Gilbert was told he was one of the players up for consideration among the final roster spots for the FIBA WorldTournament Team USA squad. Gilbert was asked about his injury, but apparently he said it wouldn't be something to limit his playing time at all. However,rather than risk being one of the players cut, Gilbert copped a plea and took the soft way out. He withdrew his name from consideration from the team as thecoaches were about to announce who would be cut.

Gilbert still says Jerry Colangelo and Coach K had already decided he was going to be left off the squad before they even announced the players eligible in thefinal cut round.
I can see how Wizards fans are "annoyed" or "frustrated" but that's just Gil being Gil. I try not to pay attention to contract talksbecause you'll never get an honest response from players and I don't expect it.

I highly doubt that Gil will take a pay cut to stay in Washington though.
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