Anybody ever cleanse their colon?

I have an enema kit that I bought when I was curious about all this, I have only used it once since I bought it and it was a great experience. Its really easyto do and doesnt cause any discomfort.

Afterward, I felt great its not a feeling I can describe and it may have just been mental but I did feel "clear". I dont know if ill be doing manymore times but now I know what its like.
Originally Posted by Ouch my feet

I have an enema kit that I bought when I was curious about all this, I have only used it once since I bought it and it was a great experience. Its really easy to do and doesnt cause any discomfort.

Afterward, I felt great its not a feeling I can describe and it may have just been mental but I did feel "clear". I dont know if ill be doing many more times but now I know what its like.


I'm so immature
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