Anybody ever have their Bank Account hacked?? How do they do it? Vol. Feels bad man

Feb 3, 2010

How did this happen??

Im not wild careless with my debit card, never lost it...I didnt go on any shady websites and cop nutin...i mean like really I want to understand how I goof'd or just the science behind it

Im at a lost and the bank ppl couldnt tell me anything but they will get all my money back but its not a fast process by any means.

dudes went HAM in 3 days....and those BS alerts didnt do squat for me. 

they got me outta 3 stacks man...and on top of that i cant stop a direct deposit i got coming in at midnight. Arent banks pose to recognize crazy activity on their own and put your account on lock or sumtin?

 the capital one commercial is on as i type and talkin bout whats in my wallet 
They got one of my friends last summer...

He used his card at the pump and someone had hacked into the pumps system. They stole everyone's info that used that stations pumps that day..

He got denied for a pack of cigarettes and he called the bank and they informed him that he was -$400 and some dollars due to overdraft fees lol

They emptied his account for 5 grand and he was supposed to take a road trip a few days after that. He couldn't go cause it took like 2 weeks to get his money.

He had to go talk to the head of security for the bank branch and the guy told him to NEVER pay at the pump. Always go inside because the pump sends unsafe wireless signals..

He also told him that when he swipes his card inside (Anywhere) wait for the transaction to go through and when the checkout is complete, hit the red button (Cancel) twice...He said if you don't, your info stays in the machine for x amount of time and is vulnerable to hackers..
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

What did they buy?

dudes had like 15 home depot purchases alone

500 at best buy

like 400 at some place called Fry Electronics

they hit finish line, dsw

ygnition network... wth is that?

money grams

was alotta of charges that read "Google" which the bank says they've seen before but doesnt know what it is

and just other BS charges man for 100 here 250 there with no info...alotta of stuff is still pending too
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein


How did this happen??

Im not wild careless with my debit card, never lost it...I didnt go on any shady websites and cop nutin...i mean like really I want to understand how I goof'd or just the science behind it

Im at a lost and the bank ppl couldnt tell me anything but they will get all my money back but its not a fast process by any means.

dudes went HAM in 3 days....and those BS alerts didnt do squat for me. 

they got me outta 3 stacks man...and on top of that i cant stop a direct deposit i got coming in at midnight. Arent banks pose to recognize crazy activity on their own and put your account on lock or sumtin?

 the capital one commercial is on as i type and talkin bout whats in my wallet 
Since you reported it, they will place a lock on your account so nothing can be taken out unless you're in the branch with ID.

Typically they either use brute force codes on accounts & log ins, or they skim your information from some kind of device (like in restaurants).

Man... I got physically sick when I saw this

Shout to Paypal tho... They were on top of their game and got my refund back in a timely fashion.
thanks for you guys insight

and speaking of paypal, the only thing out of the normal i did in the last few weeks was send 5 dollars to my homie for the bracket pool we were doing.

i hardly ever even access my paypal acct on the reg im wondering if thats where they got me
heard this been going around, on other forums involving paypal scams where they just start taking everything
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