Anybody ever let a girl cut their hair?

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Here is the situation. I'm still new to this city and I haven't found me a good barber yet. Everywhere I go so far the barber has pushed my hairline back and to be honest its starting to do that enough on its own.

So the last barbershop I went to there was a female and from what I saw she was the best there BUT I have NEVER had a female barber so I'm kinda shook.
you in dallas?

my last 2 years of college, ny barber was a girl and she did a good job. all i needed was line b/c i was getting a cut probably once every 6 weeks.
gimme my naps, a fresh hairline, and a fitted and i'll be alright
Originally Posted by Krazyrodzilla

Yep, she's actually did a good job.
soft touch too
Female barber? Hell yeah, why not.

Random female friend? Never. Girls would always ask to do it when I used to get haircuts.
yeah and it was alright.

I dont judge by if they're a dude or chick, but by how they cut.
well my moms are a hair dresser and she cuts my hair all the time.and i was on vacation once i neeeded a haircut and my mom didnt have supplies so a barber didit and it came out exactly the same
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Here is the situation. I'm still new to this city and I haven't found me a good barber yet. Everywhere I go so far the barber has pushed my hairline back and to be honest its starting to do that enough on its own.

So the last barbershop I went to there was a female and from what I saw she was the best there BUT I have NEVER had a female barber so I'm kinda shook.

which part of town do you go to? and which shops?
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