anybody have a Polo snow beach pullover peice ?


Jul 3, 2007
My friend and I wanna see a pic of it , but when you google it none show up . As i heard it sells on ebay for more than 2k. confirm?
$2,000 easily and that's for worn ones. I think the last brand new one I seen went for like $3,500-4,000.

3 stacks
back in the 90's these were the shiznit. i remeber all my cousins rocking these. i was to young to have pieces so said my mom. but i always thought thesewere and are

you should look for the polo thread in the general forum cause i saw some pieces shown there.
beats me why anyone in their right mind would pay that much for any snow beach piece.
I love POLO and this is by far the most over-rated piece POLO has made. To the dude lookin for one, good luck. I got some LO pieces I'm tryin to move.But don't waste 2 stacks on a pullover...
yeah,we use to wear this s*** in high school back in the early 90's.............we had the hats,full button ups,two button polo's.........There wasalot of snow beach s*** out back then not just this pull over.As many memories as this jacket brings back,I would never pay those outragous prices.This jacketwas like $150 back in the day.I think ralph lauren will bring this back one day.You can probably google some old wu-tang photo's and catch the chef rockinsnow beach............
Yeah...hence the reason why this piece is so sought after...Rae made this piece what it is...
Originally Posted by Antonio85

Yeah...hence the reason why this piece is so sought after...Rae made this piece what it is...
nah bro. It was Lo lifes and big willy **No h o m o** cats rocking this gear back then. I f you grew up in BK round the late 80's - early90's you seen mad nuff of this type of gear on the way to school. But of course it didnt hurt that the Chef was dipped in Lo.

i went to Lafayette HS round that time
p wings, stadiums, bear knits, etc... the 90s was a classic period for lo and hip-hop in general. i agree with the prices being insane nowadays for vintagejoints.

I never did like the snow beach, but I can understand the high price, especially one in that size and condition. I think dudes that grew up in that era wouldstill risk jail time to get their hands on that jacket.
and a peice is not a guns when they say in that term a lo' peice is like your high end polo stuff that is sought after like a snow each or stadium somebears, usa stuff etc.. stuff real lo-lifes have at thier disposal... ive been collecting polo for almost 10 years and i have none of my early 90's stuff,cause its too bright but there is a huge community behind and people who love it... just my 2 cents
I'm a polo collector myself, I don't have as much as some but I do have a few okay pieces, I show lots of respect for those who have been doing it waybefore I started and I'm trying to catch up with them. Ppl calls it a piece cause its just like another word for "ITEM" there no real big mysteryabout the word. But I'm still collecting and I'm going to continue cause I really do not care bout any other brand when its comes to my shirts andsweaters, but this is a pic of a couple pieces, I took the first few pieces I seen on top of my bind and that's my 2 binds full of only polo, there bothkind of full I'm working on getting a new 1.
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