Anybody Here a "Relationship Person"?

Jul 2, 2002
Now...I know NT is full of lady slayers, but I feel like I can't be the only dude like this.

Broke up with my girl in the beginning of September and she moved out. Had a couple flings and ultimately found one of the coolest girls I've ever met. She's been my friend for years but neither of us knew we would match up like that.

We became "official" and I get a swarm of text messages from my girl friends telling me they knew it would happen soon because girls think I'm a "catch" and I'm the companion type person. Is anyone else like that, you'd rather have a relationship than 100 *#%@+! in and out of your crib?
I'm sorta the same way.... i would go through like 2 year relationships, then play the field for a year... then do the relationship thing again

As long as you are good at picking loyal girls, this is the best way to be IMO.
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Now...I know NT is full of lady slayers, but I feel like I can't be the only dude like this.

Broke up with my girl in the beginning of September and she moved out. Had a couple flings and ultimately found one of the coolest girls I've ever met. She's been my friend for years but neither of us knew we would match up like that.

We became "official" and I get a swarm of text messages from my girl friends telling me they knew it would happen soon because girls think I'm a "catch" and I'm the companion type person. Is anyone else like that, you'd rather have a relationship than 100 *#%@+! in and out of your crib?
I sort of feel you on this. I'm not a slayer by any means (20 at 26, started at 17) and I enjoy relationships (yea I simp a bit
). Me and my ex (2 years) broke up about a month ago and I already have started feeling this new chick...smh.

I get it in sometimes when I'm single but I'm never single for that long. Since my first gf at 17 the longest time I've been single was a year and a half. Had a couple 1 year relationships and this one that just lasted 2 years.

I'm down with smashing random cute girls as much as the next man, I just don't chase the bunz like that consistently and I prefer being in a relationship with a down, attractive chick rather than doing the serial dating thing. I'm sure part of it is because my game is more relationship friendly than random bunz friendly
Im more like a fling kinda person, leasing a it in before it has any real mechanical problems
meh maybe because i'm 28 now. but i'm more concerned about my own goals, like career, fitness, and education.

i dont actively pursue women, which why i prob havent got some in months.

it's strange kind of. like i want to find one girl...hell maybe even settle. but i'm not ready.

and i was also used to most of the girls i smushed making the first move or at least me knowing they wanted the d.

these days i'm satisfied by flirting.

as i type this i wonder, have i lost my mojo????

NJ nter's we out to find some biddies????
i know i am, i came to that conclusion because i cant spit that "i just want to smash" game....i make it way too obvious, it
just dont match my personality..i would love to go around smashing females but i never had that luck, most i had was 2 at one
and i ended up feeling bad about it cause i liked one of them
fml ...i broke up with my girl of one year in july and ever since then
its been hell, i got one chick who wants me to smash and the weird thing about it is that i #1 dont have a desire to #2 she got little
brothers and they always there #3 she lives an hour away...things are going to pick up though
Originally Posted by jermz101

i know i am, i came to that conclusion because i cant spit that "i just want to smash" game....i make it way too obvious, it
just dont match my personality..i would love to go around smashing females but i never had that luck

Same some doods are built to do that. I've always come at chicks as friends or I give off that vibe. I've never been that lean back, stroke my chin, "let me holla atcha" type. Probably never will be. Dated one for a long time..might be cuffing another one soon. That's just how I do it.
I am...I actually enjoy being with someone I can trust, someone who's there for me and go through stuff with me.  

Simply smashing is fun, but after a while, it's a bit hollow and unfulfilling. 

Going on 2 years with my current. 

Before her I had a scenario with a woman that spread about 4 years on and off. 

Before that 2 years with another. 

Also,  the real thing is, I'm not trying to get anyone preggie, and I'm not trying to catch anything. 

I've seen people I know of actually die from STD's, and too many women & dudes I know had their lives ruined by having kids. 

I'd rather just stick with one woman if I can.  Sounds conservative and boring, I know but lowers my chances of dumb stuff happening.

Needless to say, that doesn't mean I haven't fell off the wagon and waxed one or two ladies on the side. 
I used to be. But, the more I experience relationships, the less I believe in them. I've never been the type of guy to go out of his way to get at females and do nothing but constantly chase tail, but for some reason (I guess because I lost some weight, gained some confidence, and broke a couple hearts) I've begun to get a reputation of the player type and I'm only like 10 deep. I started to kick it with one of my good friends last year and she said she got warned to stay away from me 'cause someone told her that I'm the player type.
While some people consider that type of rep cool, I don't really like it because it doesn't align with my personality, and it's not really true.

I think it also has to do with my style of getting women. Or, rather, letting them get me. The last couple legitimate relationships have been initiated by the girl. Don't think I'm gonna change that up at all. Cuts the amount of games being played in like half.
im more of the relationship type... but even when im not in a relationship and im dating... there's always one chick who's the main who gets the 'girlfriend like' treatment... like i'll cook for her, let her spend the night... take her out...
Originally Posted by alcstarheel

Originally Posted by jermz101

i know i am, i came to that conclusion because i cant spit that "i just want to smash" game....i make it way too obvious, it
just dont match my personality..i would love to go around smashing females but i never had that luck

Same some doods are built to do that. I've always come at chicks as friends or I give off that vibe. I've never been that lean back, stroke my chin, "let me holla atcha" type. Probably never will be. Dated one for a long time..might be cuffing another one soon. That's just how I do it.

Those dudes are mad lame anyway. The only females who fall for that game are lame themselves. That's
why it's called "game", cause you more than likely get played.

My shortest serious relationship was 8 months. Any female I've ever talked to was somebody that I wouldn't
mind seeing myself with for a long time. Nobody I would be embarrassed bringing home nor somebody I
couldn't hold a relevant convo with.

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