Anybody here completely happy with their life?

I am. I look at it like this: there's things I want in the future and I'm working towards it, but I currently have nothing to be NOT happy about. :D
If you think about life as merely an experience by itself, whether the experience is negative or positive then you'll find happiness within yourself. I personally my life have been a wonderful experience and I wouldn't change anything and I'm not saying my life is all great. I broke my collarbone 3 months ago, didn't have insurance, had to get surgery, paid all of it with my own money that I saved up in my savings and now I'm currently unemployed. I actually just got done sending out my resumes just now. We're here to experience whatever we are experiencing in our lives.
When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.
Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn’t possess,
acts but doesn’t expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever
Lao Tzu

Great post... nice read and i didn't even know the name Lao Tzu till now but i will read more from him/her soon
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I'm happy. I'm ambitious so I'm never satisfied, but when I look back at the struggles I had to go through to be where I am today I feel pride and joy.
I remember reading somewhere that when people ask this question, people who answer yes, usually describe the feeling as being content, not happy and there are few who are truly happy with their lives. I think Denmark was given the title of the happiest place to live for what its worth. 
I believe that I am.

Happily married. Love my family. As of right now, clean bill of health.

Working in the industry I always dreamed of working in and doing fairly well for myself. If you love what you do, it ain't work.

I get to travel for work. I travel well on vacation.

I have no debt and have disposable income. Saving quite a bit though.

Now, I don't own a yacht that I sail to the South Of France, so we can always do better.

But I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
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Not yet but I can't complain as I'm on the right path

Career on the right track, have my health, strong relationships with family and close friends
Family and friends are healthy
Steady income
great relationship with girlfriend and parents
my daughter is healthy

cant complain at all
Honestly I feel like I've just been existing and not really living. My financial situation isn't the best right now which would probably be the main source of why I'm not completely happy.
They say money can't buy happiness, but a better financial situation would definitely make life easier, therefore making me more happy.. so in theory Money does buy happiness.

But to answer the question.. NO
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I wish I could tell you. I don't think that I'll truly be happy unitl I find my calling/purpose. Something I truly receive fullfillment from doing,  but I'm working on i. Thankfully
I just think about other poorer countries. It makes me appreciate what I have which makes me happier, but then sad thinking I have it so much easier than others in third world countries. But overall, I am happy. 
I'm pretty happy, can't complain.
A lot of people got it a lot worse than I do


I'm just blessed on where I am on my life right now. :smokin

Same here.

Was Mad and feeling depressed because of my exam that went very bad :smh:

I was walking outside at night while thinking about it and saw someone sleeping in his car. Made me realize it is not that bad (worst case is I drop of the class and take it next semester)

Life can be hard sometimes, but it's still good :smokin
They say money can't buy happiness, but a better financial situation would definitely make life easier, therefore making me more happy.. so in theory Money does buy happiness.
But to answer the question.. NO

"Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy options."
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