Anybody here got a phychological disorder??

Aug 22, 2005
Random question, i know. Buts its interesting to see who has what.

Im ADD, and i have a very small case of Narcissism. (Clinically have ADD, just think im Narccisitic from learning about it in class)
I am convinced my buddy has OCD

I need to find the list of stuff I wrote down that he does for Buffalo Sabres games...
OCD is the worst, i dated this chick with it. i would always move things out of order and stuff like that lol
thats grimey. we got a couple looneys on NT. J/k

I'm looking for a chick who got OCD during sex. Preferably giving some top.
--I have OCD tendencies to the point where it causes severe anxiety attacks. At least an episode or 2 a month.
--Been on Xanax since the summer of 1993.
i, along with many others have obsessive compulsive tendencies, i need things to be clean and in perfect order or i cant stop thinking about it.
everyone else in my family has ADD, but my parents refuse to get my tested though its pretty obvious i have it too.
at times i think i have social anxiety real bad.
Now everyone and their mamma has OCD.......yet many ppl never knew what it was or even thought they had a problem till they saw TRUE LIFE.....
i have ocd the thought of just being unclean or living somewhere unclean freaks me out. my ocd is pretty bad to other people because my apt smells like bleachall the time. i wash my hands so much that they get raw.
i also have social anxiety & depression. when i was younger i used to have to go to a therapistand take medicine for it.
I was diagnosed clinically depressed when I was in military school, so I had a therapist for a while. The therapist said I had narcissism because I sweareveryone is out to get me and I live my life by that belief.

I think I'm just cautious, but its w/e my life is straight.
Mild social anxiety disorder...if I'm there I'm cool, but getting there is a damn shame. I can never just get up and say "club tonight" Ineed a week (lies! I aint been out the house since my girls bday in oct) to get prepared, unprepared, figure out my plan of action. Easier to stay in the housethan be freaked out.

A few bouts of severe depression that ended in some meds and therapy for a long for now, but I have to be careful what I concentrate on because ifI tend to get fascinated and will dwell on something. That's great when its productive, but if its something negative it'll turn BIG quick..
Originally Posted by NikeJah89

True Life had me dying when I peeped that episode.
and the tourettes one too

son knocked the glass over and it spilt right on his date
I'm pretty hardcore OCD, but it's not really problematic, just annoying at times.

For example...

I hit the "lock" button on my car's key fob but still have to pull on the handle 5 times (in a 1-2... 3-4-5 fashion) before I walk away.

Similarly, before I go to bed at night, I check my back door to make sure that it's locked. I can simply look at the door and tell that it's locked bythe position of the knobs, but I still have to check both the door lock and the deadbolt three times each before I can go to bed.

When I pay at a restaurant with a credit card, I make sure that the tip that I leave, when added to the original bill, will give an even dollar amount.

When I turn off my TV, the channel has to be set to ESPN, with the previous channel being ESPN2.

I always increase or decrease the volume level on my TV by a multiple of 5.
just think im Narccisitic from learning about it in class
from what i know, if you were Narccisitic then you wouldn't believe that there was anything wrong with you so you couldnt be Narccisitic, buti could always be wrong

The therapist said I had narcissism because I swear everyone is out to get me and I live my life by that belief.
wouldnt that be paronoid schitzoprhenia(sp?)?
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