Anybody See "Martha Marcy May Marlene" Yet?

Sep 6, 2000
Finally got around to seeing this movie today, and it was awesome!  Creepy, foreboding, sad, this thing was all over the place emotionally.  Elizabeth Olsen was incredible and gave off a big Maggie Gyllenhaal vibe in her performance.  You really feel bad for her as she tries to get acclimated to a normal life again.  I'm betting after seeing this, the twins wish they had an ounce of their sister's talent...and appetite.  Unlike the twins, Elizabeth actually looks like she eats.  Loved the ending, too.  Not spoiling, but it REALLY left you wondering what was gonna happen.


Saw the film opening week.

The film was very unsettling, and left me really disturbed. (in a good way, in that it impacted me)
I never in my life have been in a movie theatre so quiet.

But yes, Elizabeth Olsen was brilliant in the film and will probably get an Oscar nomination for her role.  She's going to be a star.

Originally Posted by 81ackMamba

Saw the film opening week.

The film was very unsettling, and left me really disturbed. (in a good way, in that it impacted me)
I never in my life have been in a movie theatre so quiet.

But yes, Elizabeth Olsen was brilliant in the film and will probably get an Oscar nomination for her role.
I would have to agree with you there.  There were two parts in particular (the non-robbery that "went wrong," and when she freaked out at the party) that were just awful to watch (for me), plus the ending.  I had two ladies pull me aside afterwards to settle an argument they were having.  One woman swore that they accidentally cut the film off early, while her friend disagreed.  I had to explain it to her, hahaha.


good to see positive reviews about it. it looked like a very deep film, but im def interested in seeing it.
Saw an early screening of this two months ago with Elizabeth Olsen and the director Q&A session afterwards. I think it's the best movie of the year, right up there with Drive and probably Shame when it releases. Elizabeth Olsen is definitely going to be a star. She's just as gorgeous in person as she is on screen and incredibly intelligent. That entire family is talented.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Saw an early screening of this two months ago with Elizabeth Olsen and the director Q&A session afterwards. I think it's the best movie of the year, right up there with Drive and probably Shame when it releases. Elizabeth Olsen is definitely going to be a star. She's just as gorgeous in person as she is on screen and incredibly intelligent. That entire family is talented.
  Wow, I bet that was amazing!  I'm currently trying to come up with a movie that I've seen this year that was any better, and right now I can't.


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