Anyone a salesman for a living??

Dec 26, 2008
Got a call from a company (csi processing) yesterday who recieved my resume and it was basically a direct hire for a business to business selling type joint...Still got a job on the side tho so im not to worried if things don't work out. But who does this kind of thing solely for a living??
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by Juice man

You know like business to business sales?
Way to clarify that, bud. Very helpful.
I'm saying son
Yeah im talking about selling products or services to another business...this company is selling credit card processing to merchants. my bad for the un-clarification
and yeah i edited the title...
That's like the first job many people with marketing degrees get. It depends on where you live and if you get paid based on commission or salary. Personally, it seems like a crappy job to me, but some people gotta work.
i do B2B marketing.... somewhat similar. a lot of what i do is to make your job easier/unecessary.
someone contacted me about doing b2b sales. basically selling office supplies (paper, printer, faxes, etc) to other businesses
Selling is selling is selling. It's doesn't matter what you sell, it's all the same process.

I was in sales for 2 years. Made great, great money, but you have to be able to adjust to the high and low swings of your commission checks.

What exactly do you want to know?
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Selling is selling is selling. It's doesn't matter what you sell, it's all the same process.

I was in sales for 2 years. Made great, great money, but you have to be able to adjust to the high and low swings of your commission checks.

Pretty much nailed it - selling is selling, and odds are if you can sell a pencil, you can sell a car.

I'm in sales right now. I love it. I work my own hours, from wherever in the world I want. I make good money, but the commission swings DO suck. In my industry, December is above and away the busiest month of the year, so my commission check for December is going to basically account for 80% of my commission for the year.
i sold health insurance to small businesses door to door. worse job of my life. cold calling is where you develop thick skin. doors slammed in your face, people hanging up on your, people flat out yelling at you for no reason, people lying to you. that's why salesmen have to develop schemes to get their foot in the door because no one wants to hear what you have, regardless if you tell them youre providing health insurance to their employees and they pay nothing as a business, the employees pay for their premium but get a group discount. pay was 100% commission. all the grinding day in and day old quick
Alright thanks for all the input guys..I see this can basically go both ways but like i said I already have a pt job for now so i'm not real worried about if it doesn't go the way i want it. Just wanted to see how many people actually do this kinda thing for a living...
Originally Posted by Juice man

Alright thanks for all the input guys..I see this can basically go both ways but like i said I already have a pt job for now so i'm not real worried about if it doesn't go the way i want it. Just wanted to see how many people actually do this kinda thing for a living...
For the record, I ended up leaving my sales job after two years to pursue a career in Digital Marketing. For me it was a stepping stone, a tool I used to get me through school with a decent income and living standard but it was nowhere near what I wanted to be doing the rest of my life.

I will tell you that once you have the skills to sell, and become a salesman at heart... a tremendous amount of doors open up for you in terms of social interactions and opportunities you may have missed before because you couldn't handle the interaction so to speak. I'm talking about job interviews, asking girls out, asking for raises, raising your kids and presenting ideas persuasively and effectively.

It's a skill that you use for the rest of your life.
Originally Posted by Juice man

this company is selling credit card processing to merchants.
My friend worked for a company in high school/first year of college that did that. The company got raided by the FTC.

But, I'm working on setting up a B2B company right now. Just gotta get investors then I'm good.
I was intersted in marketing but I would hate to be a salesman..... cause I kinda hate them/annoy me. Door to door is not whats up but I bet some people bank off this depends on skill.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Juice man

this company is selling credit card processing to merchants.
My friend worked for a company in high school/first year of college that did that. The company got raided by the FTC.

You know the name of the company?!
Again everyone thanks for the input. I have a conference call telling me more about the responsibilities tomorrow afternoon. Talked to my mans about it tonight and he said he's doing good with the commission + residual income coming in..So ima give it a try and see what it's looking like.
Originally Posted by Juice man

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Juice man

this company is selling credit card processing to merchants.
My friend worked for a company in high school/first year of college that did that. The company got raided by the FTC.

You know the name of the company?!

I dont remember. But they're dissolved. Nothing for you to worry about, unless your company is skimming a part of the transaction.
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